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Installation instructions

Note: You are viewing an old revision of this page. View the current version.

Before installing tsscds, be aware that the program makes use of the following packages that need to be installed in your linux distribution:

Environment Modules
GNU parallel
Python2 (with Numpy and Scipy libraries)

Other packages that might be useful to analyze the results are:

Note: If you do not have G09, you will not be able to use the scripts for the high-level calculations, but you still will be able to use the low-level ones.

Once the above packages are installed, go to the tsscds-SOURCE-2018 folder and install the package:

cd tsscds-SOURCE-2018


This will install tsscds2018 in $HOME/tsscds-2018 by default. If you want to install it in a different directory, use :

./configure --prefix=path_to_program

Finally, complete the installation:


make install

For convenience, and once "Environment Modules" has been installed, you can add to your .bashrc file the following line to use the tsscds module:

module use path_to_program/modules

where path_to_program is the path where you installed tsscds (e.g., $HOME/tsscds-2018)

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