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Application name: PhpWiki
PhpWiki engine version: 1.3.14-20090116
Cache statistics: cached pagedata: 3, cached versiondata: 3
Page statistics: 81 pages, 81 not-empty pages
User statistics: 0 homepages
Hit statistics: total hits: 825871, max: 93902, mean: 10195.938, median: 484, stddev: 101.604; 70 pages with less than 9390 hits (<10%). 3 page(s) with more than 84511 hits (>90%).
Harddisc usage: Application size: 19484 Kb
Expiry parameters: Keep up to 2147483647 major edits, but keep them no longer than 2147483647 days. Keep up to 2147483647 minor edits, but keep them no longer than 2147483647 days. Keep the latest contributions of the last 2147483647 authors up to 2147483647 days. Additionally, try to keep the latest contributions of all authors in the last 2147483647 days (even if there are more than 2147483647 of them,) but in no case keep more than 2147483647 unique author revisions.
Wikiname regexp:
Allowed protocols: http https mailto ftp news nntp ssh gopher
Inline images: png jpg jpeg gif
Available plugins: Total 119 plugins: AddComment, AllPages, AllUsers, AnalyseAccessLogSql, AppendText, AsciiMath, AsciiSVG, AuthorHistory, BackLinks, BlogArchives, BlogJournal, BoxRight, CacheTest, Calendar, CalendarList, CategoryPage, Chart, Comment, CreateBib, CreatePage, CreateToc, CurrentTime, DeadEndPages, Diff, ExternalSearch, FileInfo, FoafViewer, FrameInclude, FullTextSearch, FuzzyPages, GoogleMaps, GooglePlugin, GoTo, GraphViz, HelloWorld, HtmlConverter, Imdb, IncludePage, IncludePages, IncludeSiteMap, InterWikiSearch, JabberPresence, LikePages, LinkDatabase, LinkSearch, ListPages, ListRelations, ListSubpages, MediawikiTable, ModeratedPage, MostPopular, NewPagesPerUser, NoCache, OldStyleTable, OrphanedPages, PageDump, PageGroup, PageHistory, PageInfo, PageTrail, PasswordReset, PhotoAlbum, PhpHighlight, PhpWeather, Ploticus, PluginManager, PopularNearby, PopularTags, PopUp, PrevNext, RawHtml, RecentChanges, RecentChangesCached, RecentComments, RecentEdits, RecentReferrers, RedirectTo, RelatedChanges, RichTable, RssFeed, SearchHighlight, SemanticRelations, SemanticSearch, SemanticSearchAdvanced, SiteMap, SqlResult, SyncWiki, SyntaxHighlighter, SystemInfo, Template, TeX2png, text2png, TexToPng, TitleSearch, Transclude, UnfoldSubpages, UpLoad, UriResolver, UserPreferences, VisualWiki, WantedPages, WantedPagesOld, WatchPage, WhoIsOnline, WikiAdminChown, WikiAdminMarkup, WikiAdminRemove, WikiAdminRename, WikiAdminSearchReplace, WikiAdminSelect, WikiAdminSetAcl, WikiAdminUtils, WikiBlog, WikicreoleTable, WikiForm, WikiFormRich, WikiForum, WikiPoll, YouTube
Supported languages: Total of 10 languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ja.euc-jp, nl, sv, zh. Current language: 'en'
Supported themes: Total of 14 themes: blog, Crao, default, gforge, Hawaiian, MacOSX, MonoBook, Portland, shamino_com, Sidebar, smaller, SpaceWiki, wikilens, Wordpress. Current theme: 'gforge'


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