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PageDump: Help/OldTextFormattingRules

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Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 18:47:18 +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.14-20090116)
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! Synopsis
[OldTextFormattingRules] <br>
<strong>Emphasis:</strong> '<strong></strong>' for <em>italics</em>,
_<em></em>~_ for <strong>bold</strong>,
'<strong></strong>'_<em></em>~_ for
<strong>Lists:</strong> * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists,
<em><strong>;</strong> term <strong>~:</strong> definition</em> for
definition lists.%%%
<strong>References:</strong> ~JoinCapitalizedWords or use square
brackets for a ~[page link] or URL ~[~http~://].%%%
<strong>Footnotes:</strong> Use ~[1],~[2],~[3],...%%%
<strong>Preventing linking:</strong> Prefix with "~!":
~!~DoNotHyperlink, name links like ~[~[text | URL] (double up on the
<strong>Misc:</strong> "~!", "~!~!", "~!~!~!" make headings,
"%%<em></em>%" makes a linebreak, "-<em></em>-<em></em>-<em></em>-"
makes a horizontal rule.%%%
<strong>Tables:</strong> »|« as first char, »|« for more columns,
»|>« align right, »|<« align left, »|^« centered (default),
»||« span columns, »|v« span rows

! Paragraphs

* Don't indent paragraphs
* Words wrap and fill as needed
* Use blank lines as separators
* Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule
* %%<em></em>% makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too)

! Lists

* asterisk for first level
     * asterisk-asterisk for second level, etc.
* Use * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists (mix at will)
* semicolon-term-colon-definition for definition lists:
;term here:definition here, as in the <DL><DT><DD> list
* One line for each item
* Other leading whitespace signals preformatted text, changes font.

! Headings

* '~!' at the start of a line makes a small heading
* '~!~!' at the start of a line makes a medium heading
* '~!~!~!' at the start of a line makes a large heading

! Fonts

* Indent with one or more spaces to use a monospace font:

 This is in monospace
This is not

!Indented Paragraphs

* semicolon-colon -- works like <BLOCKQUOTE>

;:this is an indented block of text

! Emphasis

* Use doubled single-quotes ('<strong></strong>') for emphasis
(usually <em>italics</em>)
* Use doubled underscores (_<em></em>_) for strong emphasis (usually
* Mix them at will: <strong><em>bold italics</em></strong>
* <em>Emphasis</em> can be used <em>multiple</em> times within a
line, but <em>cannot</em> cross line boundaries:

will not work''

! References
* Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made by placing the
page name in square brackets: [this is a page link] or UsingWikiWords
* Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this:
* You can name the links by providing a name, a bar (|) and then the
hyperlink or pagename: [PhpWiki home page |]  - [the front page | HomePage]
* You can suppress linking to old-style references and URIs by
preceding the word with a '~!', e.g. ~NotLinkedAsWikiName,
* You can create footnotes by using ~[1], ~[2], ~[3], ... like this
here #[|ftnt_ref_1]<sup>~[[1|#ftnt_1]~]</sup>. See footnote for
counterpart.  (If the ~[ is in the first column, it is a footnote
<em>definition</em> rather than a footnote <em>reference</em>
* Also, the old way of linking URL's is still supported: precede URLs
with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to create links automatically as in:
* URLs ending with .png, .gif, or .jpg are inlined if in square
brackets, by themselves:
* Semantic links are named links like: is_a::WikiPage and attributes
like size:-4000.
* A pagelink within square brackets starting with ":" is not

! Tables

* Simple tables are available.  A table row is introduced by a
<strong>|</strong> in the first column.  It is best described by
      ||  _<em></em>_Name_<em></em>~_               |v
_<em></em>_Cost_<em></em>~_   |v _<em></em>_Notes_<em></em>~_
      | _<em></em>_First_<em></em>~_   | _<em></em>_Last_<em></em>~_
      |> Jeff       |< Dairiki   |^  Cheap     |< Not worth it
      |> Marco      |< Polo      | Cheaper     |< Not available
;:will generate
<?plugin OldStyleTable
||  <strong>Name</strong>               |v <strong>Cost</strong>   |v
| <strong>First</strong>   | <strong>Last</strong>
|> Jeff       |< Dairiki   |^  Cheap     |< Not worth it
|> Marco      |< Polo      | Cheaper     |< Not available

;:Note that multiple <strong>|</strong>'s lead to spanned columns,
and <strong>v</strong>'s can be used to span rows.  A
<strong>></strong> generates a right justified column,
<strong><</strong> a left justified column and <strong>^</strong> a
centered column (which is the default.)
;:With the new [Help:TextFormatingsRules] tables are only supported
with the [Help:OldStyleTablePlugin].

! HTML Mark-Up Language

* Don't bother
* < and > are themselves
* The & characters will not work
* If you really must use HTML, your system administrator can enable
this feature. Start each line with a bar (|). Note that this feature
is disabled by default.


! Footnotes:

#[|ftnt_1]~[[1|#ftnt_ref_1]~]  By using ~[1] a second time (in the
first column) the footnote itself is <em>defined</em>.  You may refer
to a footnote as many times as you want, but you may only define it
once on the page.  Note the the ~[1] in the footnote links back to
the first reference, if there are multiple references there will be
+'s after the ~[1] which will link to the other references. 
(References which come <em>after</em> the footnote
<em>definition</em> will not be linked to.)
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