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Now limiting view to projects in the following categories:
      Topic :: System :: Benchmark [Remove This Filter]
      Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop [Remove This Filter]
      Intended Audience :: Developers [Remove This Filter]
      Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable [Remove This Filter]
      Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux [Remove This Filter]
      Natural Language :: English [Remove This Filter]

  Programming Language
      APL (0 projects)
      ASP (0 projects)
      Ada (0 projects)
      Assembly (0 projects)
      Assembly (0 projects)
      C (0 projects)
      C# (0 projects)
      C++ (0 projects)
      Cold Fusion (0 projects)
      Delphi/Kylix (0 projects)
      Eiffel (0 projects)
      Erlang (0 projects)
      Euler (0 projects)
      Euphoria (0 projects)
      Forth (0 projects)
      Fortran (0 projects)
      Java (0 projects)
      JavaScript (0 projects)
      Lisp (0 projects)
      Logo (0 projects)
      ML (0 projects)
      Modula (0 projects)
      Object Pascal (0 projects)
      Objective C (0 projects)
      Other (0 projects)
      PHP (0 projects)
      PL/SQL (0 projects)
      PROGRESS (0 projects)
      Pascal (0 projects)
      Perl (0 projects)
      Pike (0 projects)
      Prolog (0 projects)
      Python (1 projects)
      REBOL (0 projects)
      Rexx (0 projects)
      Ruby (1 projects)
      Scheme (0 projects)
      Simula (0 projects)
      Smalltalk (0 projects)
      Tcl (0 projects)
      Unix Shell (1 projects)
      Visual Basic (0 projects)
      XBasic (0 projects)
      Zope (0 projects)
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  Development Status
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