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[bonfiredemokit] Annotation of /virt-cluster/vc/ogs.py
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Annotation of /virt-cluster/vc/ogs.py

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Revision 14 - (view) (download) (as text)

1 : agomez 10 #
2 :     # BonFIRE Virtual Clusters on Federated Clouds Demonstration Kit
3 :     #
4 :     # Copyright (c) Fundacion Centro Tecnologico de Supercomputacion de Galicia 2012
5 :     #
6 : agomez 14 # License Apache Software
7 : agomez 10 #
8 :     # The research leading to these results has received funding from
9 :     # the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
10 :     # under agreement number 257386
11 :     #
12 :     # This software is provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
13 :     #
14 :     import os
15 :     import subprocess
16 :     import tempfile
17 :     import vcutil
18 :     import xml.dom.minidom
19 :    
20 :     def add_administration_host(hostname):
21 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -ah %s" % hostname)
22 :    
23 :     def delete_administration_host(hostname):
24 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -dh %s" % hostname)
25 :    
26 :     def get_administration_hosts():
27 :     hosts = []
28 :     try:
29 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -sh")
30 :     hosts = [host.strip() for host in output.split('\n') if len(host.strip())>0]
31 :     except vcutil.CommandError as e:
32 :     if not "no submit host defined" in e.output:
33 :     raise e
34 :     return hosts
35 :    
36 :     def add_execution_host(hostname):
37 :     template = """hostname %s
38 :     load_scaling NONE
39 :     complex_values NONE
40 :     user_lists NONE
41 :     xuser_lists NONE
42 :     projects NONE
43 :     xprojects NONE
44 :     usage_scaling NONE
45 :     report_variables NONE
46 :     """ % hostname
47 :     file = open(tempfile.mkstemp()[1],'w')
48 :     file.write(template)
49 :     file.close()
50 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -Ae %s" % file.name)
51 :     os.remove(file.name)
52 :    
53 :     def delete_execution_host(hostname):
54 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -de %s" % hostname)
55 :    
56 :     def get_execution_hosts():
57 :     hosts = []
58 :     try:
59 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -sel")
60 :     hosts = [host.strip() for host in output.split('\n') if len(host.strip())>0]
61 :     except vcutil.CommandError as e:
62 :     if not "no execution host defined" in e.output:
63 :     raise e
64 :     return hosts
65 :    
66 :     def add_submit_host(hostname):
67 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -as %s" % hostname)
68 :    
69 :     def delete_submit_host(hostname):
70 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -ds %s" % hostname)
71 :    
72 :     def get_submit_hosts():
73 :     hosts = []
74 :     try:
75 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -ss")
76 :     hosts = [host.strip() for host in output.split('\n') if len(host.strip())>0]
77 :     except vcutil.CommandError as e:
78 :     if not "no submit host defined" in e.output:
79 :     raise e
80 :     return hosts
81 :    
82 :     def get_group(groupname):
83 :     hosts = []
84 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -shgrp %s" % groupname)
85 :     hosts = [host for host in output.split('\n',1)[1].split()[1:] if len(host.strip('\\'))>0]
86 :     if "NONE" in hosts:
87 :     hosts.remove("NONE")
88 :     return hosts
89 :    
90 :     def add_to_group(groupname,hostname):
91 :     hosts = get_group(groupname)
92 :     if not hostname in hosts:
93 :     hosts.append(hostname)
94 :     template = """group_name %s
95 :     hostlist %s""" % (groupname," ".join(hosts))
96 :     file = open(tempfile.mkstemp()[1],'w')
97 :     file.write(template)
98 :     file.close()
99 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -Mhgrp %s" % file.name)
100 :     os.remove(file.name)
101 :    
102 :     def delete_from_group(groupname,hostname):
103 :     hosts = get_group(groupname)
104 :     if hostname in hosts:
105 :     hosts.remove(hostname)
106 :     if len(hosts) == 0:
107 :     hosts.append("NONE")
108 :     template = """group_name %s
109 :     hostlist %s""" % (groupname," ".join(hosts))
110 :     file = open(tempfile.mkstemp()[1],'w')
111 :     file.write(template)
112 :     file.close()
113 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -Mhgrp %s" % file.name)
114 :     os.remove(file.name)
115 :    
116 :     """
117 :     def get_jobs_at_host(hostname):
118 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qstat -xml -q *@%s" % hostname)
119 :     dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
120 :     jobs = [node.firstChild.nodeValue for node in dom.getElementsByTagName("JB_job_number") ]
121 :     return jobs
122 :     """
123 :    
124 :     def get_tasks_at_host(hostname):
125 :     tasks = []
126 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qstat -xml -f -g d -q *@%s" % hostname, ignore_error = True)
127 :     try:
128 :     dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
129 :     except:
130 :     return tasks
131 :     for instance in [ ql for ql in dom.getElementsByTagName("Queue-List") if hostname in ql.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.nodeValue ]:
132 :     for job in instance.getElementsByTagName("job_list"):
133 :     jobid = job.getElementsByTagName("JB_job_number")[0].firstChild.nodeValue
134 :     taskid = None
135 :     if len(job.getElementsByTagName("tasks"))>0:
136 :     taskid = job.getElementsByTagName("tasks")[0].firstChild.nodeValue
137 :     tasks.append((jobid,taskid))
138 :     return tasks
139 :    
140 :     def delete_job(jobid,taskid = None, force=False):
141 :     opts=""
142 :     if force:
143 :     opts = "-f"
144 :     if taskid:
145 :     jobid = "%s.%s" % (jobid,taskid)
146 :     vcutil.execute("qdel %s %s" % (opts,jobid,))
147 :    
148 :     def resched_job(jobid,taskid = None, force=False):
149 :     opts=""
150 :     if force:
151 :     opts = "-f"
152 :     if taskid:
153 :     jobid = "%s.%s" % (jobid,taskid)
154 :     vcutil.execute("qmod %s -rj %s" % (opts,jobid,))
155 :    
156 :     def get_queues():
157 :     queues = []
158 :     try:
159 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -sql")
160 :     queues = [queue.strip() for queue in output.split('\n') if len(queue.strip())>0]
161 :     except vcutil.CommandError as e:
162 :     if not "no cqueue list defined" in e.output:
163 :     raise e
164 :     return queues
165 :    
166 :     def get_queue(queue_name):
167 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -sq %s" % queue_name)
168 :     queue = {}
169 :     output = "".join(output.split("\\\n"))
170 :     for line in output.split('\n'):
171 :     line = line.strip()
172 :     if len(line)>0:
173 :     key,value = line.split(None,1)
174 :     queue[key] = value
175 :     return queue
176 :    
177 :     def modify_queue(queue_name,mods):
178 :     queue = get_queue(queue_name)
179 :     for key,value in mods.items():
180 :     queue[key] = value
181 :     file = open(tempfile.mkstemp()[1],'w')
182 :     file.write("\n".join([ "%s %s" % items for items in queue.items()]))
183 :     file.close()
184 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -Mq %s" % file.name)
185 :     os.remove(file.name)
186 :    
187 :     def get_global():
188 :     output,err = vcutil.execute("qconf -sconf")
189 :     conf = {}
190 :     output = "".join(output.split("\\\n"))
191 :     for line in output.split('\n'):
192 :     line = line.strip()
193 :     if len(line)>0 and not line.startswith('#'):
194 :     key,value = line.split(None,1)
195 :     conf[key] = value
196 :     return conf
197 :    
198 :     def modify_global(mods):
199 :     conf = get_global()
200 :     for key,value in mods.items():
201 :     conf[key] = value
202 :     file = open(tempfile.gettempdir()+'/global','w')
203 :     file.write("\n".join([ "%s %s" % items for items in conf.items()]))
204 :     file.write("\n")
205 :     file.close()
206 :     vcutil.execute("qconf -Mconf %s" % file.name)
207 :     os.remove(file.name)
208 :    
209 :     def set_slots_host(queue_name,host,number):
210 :     slots = get_queue(queue_name)['slots']
211 :     slots = [s.strip().strip('[]') for s in slots.split(",") ]
212 :     if number<1:
213 :     number = 1
214 :     else:
215 :     number = int(number)
216 :     new_slots = []
217 :     added = False
218 :     for slot in slots:
219 :     if slot.split('=')[0] == host:
220 :     slot="%s=%i" % (host,number)
221 :     added = True
222 :     if "=" in slot:
223 :     slot = "[%s]" % (slot,)
224 :     new_slots.append(slot)
225 :     if not added:
226 :     new_slots.append("[%s=%i]"%(host,number))
227 :     modify_queue(queue_name,{'slots':",".join(new_slots)})
228 :    
229 :     def del_slots_host(queue_name,host):
230 :     slots = get_queue(queue_name)['slots']
231 :     slots = [s.strip('[]') for s in slots.split(",") ]
232 :     new_slots = []
233 :     for slot in slots:
234 :     if slot.split('=')[0] == host:
235 :     continue
236 :     if "=" in slot:
237 :     slot = "[%s]" % (slot,)
238 :     new_slots.append("%s"%(slot,))
239 :     modify_queue(queue_name,{'slots':",".join(new_slots)})
240 :    
241 :     def start_execd():
242 :     vcutil.execute("/etc/init.d/sgeexecd")
243 :    
244 :     def start_sgemaster():
245 :     vcutil.execute("/etc/init.d/sgemaster")
246 :    
247 :     def start_qmaster():
248 :     vcutil.execute("/etc/init.d/sgemaster -qmaster")
249 :    
250 :     def start_shadowd():
251 :     vcutil.execute("/etc/init.d/sgemaster -shadowd")
252 :    
253 :     def remove_host(hostname):
254 :     if hostname in get_execution_hosts():
255 :     delete_from_group("@allhosts",hostname)
256 :     for jobid,taskid in get_tasks_at_host(hostname):
257 :     # delete_job(jobid,taskid,force=True)
258 :     resched_job(jobid,taskid,force=True)
259 :     delete_execution_host(hostname)
260 :     delete_administration_host(hostname)
261 :     # del_slots_host('all.q',hostname)
262 :    
263 :     def new_host(hostname, slots=1):
264 :     if not hostname in get_execution_hosts():
265 :     add_to_group("@allhosts",hostname)
266 :     add_administration_host(hostname)
267 :     set_slots_host('all.q',hostname,slots)
268 :    
269 :     if __name__== "__main__":
270 :     print get_administration_hosts()
271 :     print "------"
272 :     print get_submit_hosts()
273 :     print "------"
274 :     print get_execution_hosts()
275 :     print "------"
276 :     group="@allhosts"
277 :     node="node253"
278 :     print get_group(group)
279 :     print "------"
280 :    
281 :    
282 :    
283 :    
284 :    
285 :    

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