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[mareframe] Annotation of /trunk/gadget/understocking.cc
[mareframe] / trunk / gadget / understocking.cc Repository:
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Annotation of /trunk/gadget/understocking.cc

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Revision 1 - (view) (download)

1 : agomez 1 #include "understocking.h"
2 :     #include "readword.h"
3 :     #include "readaggregation.h"
4 :     #include "errorhandler.h"
5 :     #include "areatime.h"
6 :     #include "predator.h"
7 :     #include "gadget.h"
8 :     #include "global.h"
9 :    
10 :     UnderStocking::UnderStocking(CommentStream& infile, const AreaClass* const Area,
11 :     const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, double weight, const char* name)
12 :     : Likelihood(UNDERSTOCKINGLIKELIHOOD, weight, name) {
13 :    
14 :     //set the default values
15 :     powercoeff = 2.0;
16 :     allpredators = 1;
17 :    
18 :     infile >> ws;
19 :     if (infile.eof())
20 :     return; //JMB - OK, we're done here
21 :    
22 :     char text[MaxStrLength];
23 :     strncpy(text, "", MaxStrLength);
24 :     infile >> text >> ws;
25 :     //JMB - removed the need to read in the area aggregation file
26 :     if (strcasecmp(text, "areaaggfile") == 0) {
27 :     infile >> text >> ws;
28 :     handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in understocking - area aggregation file ignored");
29 :     infile >> text >> ws;
30 :     }
31 :    
32 :     if (strcasecmp(text, "powercoeff") == 0)
33 :     infile >> powercoeff >> ws >> text >> ws;
34 :     if (isZero(powercoeff))
35 :     handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in understocking - power coefficient set to zero");
36 :    
37 :     //reading the predator names is optional - default to all predators
38 :     if ((strcasecmp(text, "predatornames") == 0) || (strcasecmp(text, "fleetnames") == 0)) {
39 :     allpredators = 0;
40 :     int i = 0;
41 :     infile >> text >> ws;
42 :     while (!infile.eof() && (strcasecmp(text, "[component]") != 0) && (strcasecmp(text, "yearsandsteps") != 0)) {
43 :     prednames.resize(new char[strlen(text) + 1]);
44 :     strcpy(prednames[i++], text);
45 :     infile >> text >> ws;
46 :     }
47 :    
48 :     if (prednames.Size() == 0)
49 :     handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "\nError in understocking - failed to read predators");
50 :     handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Read predator data - number of predators", prednames.Size());
51 :     }
52 :    
53 :     //JMB - removed the need to read in the yearsandsteps
54 :     if (strcasecmp(text, "yearsandsteps") == 0) {
55 :     handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in understocking - yearsandsteps data ignored");
56 :     infile >> text >> ws;
57 :     while (!infile.eof() && (strcasecmp(text, "[component]") != 0))
58 :     infile >> text >> ws;
59 :     }
60 :    
61 :     //prepare for next likelihood component
62 :     if (!infile.eof() && (strcasecmp(text, "[component]") != 0))
63 :     handle.logFileUnexpected(LOGFAIL, "[component]", text);
64 :     }
65 :    
66 :     UnderStocking::~UnderStocking() {
67 :     int i;
68 :     for (i = 0; i < prednames.Size(); i++)
69 :     delete[] prednames[i];
70 :     }
71 :    
72 :     void UnderStocking::setPredatorsAndPreys(PredatorPtrVector& predvec,
73 :     PreyPtrVector& preyvec, const AreaClass* const Area) {
74 :    
75 :     int i, j, found;
76 :    
77 :     if (allpredators) {
78 :     //store all the preys
79 :     for (i = 0; i < preyvec.Size(); i++)
80 :     preys.resize(preyvec[i]);
81 :    
82 :     } else {
83 :     //store the predators that have been specified
84 :     for (i = 0; i < prednames.Size(); i++) {
85 :     found = 0;
86 :     for (j = 0; j < predvec.Size(); j++) {
87 :     if (strcasecmp(prednames[i], predvec[j]->getName()) == 0) {
88 :     found ++;
89 :     predators.resize(predvec[j]);
90 :     }
91 :     }
92 :     if (found == 0)
93 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in understocking - unrecognised predator", prednames[i]);
94 :     }
95 :    
96 :     for (i = 0; i < predators.Size(); i++)
97 :     for (j = 0; j < predators.Size(); j++)
98 :     if ((strcasecmp(predators[i]->getName(), predators[j]->getName()) == 0) && (i != j))
99 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in understocking - repeated predator", predators[i]->getName());
100 :     }
101 :    
102 :     //store a list of the areas in the model
103 :     areas = Area->getAllModelAreas();
104 :     for (i = 0; i < areas.Size(); i++)
105 :     areas[i] = Area->getInnerArea(areas[i]);
106 :     }
107 :    
108 :     void UnderStocking::Reset(const Keeper* const keeper) {
109 :     Likelihood::Reset(keeper);
110 :     if (isZero(weight))
111 :     handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in understocking - zero weight for", this->getName());
112 :     Years.Reset();
113 :     Steps.Reset();
114 :     likelihoodValues.Reset();
115 :     if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGMESSAGE)
116 :     handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Reset understocking component", this->getName());
117 :     }
118 :    
119 :     void UnderStocking::addLikelihood(const TimeClass* const TimeInfo) {
120 :    
121 :     if (isZero(weight))
122 :     return;
123 :    
124 :     int i, j;
125 :     double err, l;
126 :    
127 :     if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGMESSAGE)
128 :     handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Checking understocking likelihood component", this->getName());
129 :    
130 :     l = 0.0;
131 :     for (j = 0; j < areas.Size(); j++) {
132 :     err = 0.0;
133 :    
134 :     if (allpredators) {
135 :     for (i = 0; i < preys.Size(); i++)
136 :     if (preys[i]->isOverConsumption(areas[j]))
137 :     err += preys[i]->getTotalOverConsumption(areas[j]);
138 :     } else {
139 :     for (i = 0; i < predators.Size(); i++)
140 :     if (predators[i]->hasOverConsumption(areas[j]))
141 :     err += predators[i]->getTotalOverConsumption(areas[j]);
142 :     }
143 :    
144 :     if (!(isZero(err)))
145 :     l += pow(err, powercoeff);
146 :     }
147 :    
148 :     if (!(isZero(l))) {
149 :     likelihoodValues.resize(1, l);
150 :     Years.resize(1, TimeInfo->getYear());
151 :     Steps.resize(1, TimeInfo->getStep());
152 :     if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGMESSAGE)
153 :     handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "The likelihood score for this component on this timestep is", l);
154 :     likelihood += l;
155 :     }
156 :     }
157 :    
158 :     void UnderStocking::Print(ofstream& outfile) const {
159 :     int i;
160 :     outfile << "\nUnderstocking " << this->getName() << " - likelihood value "
161 :     << likelihood << endl;
162 :    
163 :     if (!allpredators) {
164 :     outfile << "Checking understocking caused by the following predators consumption of preys" << endl;
165 :     for (i = 0; i < prednames.Size(); i++)
166 :     outfile << TAB << prednames[i];
167 :     }
168 :    
169 :     for (i = 0; i < likelihoodValues.Size(); i++)
170 :     outfile << "\n\tYear " << Years[i] << " and step " << Steps[i] << " likelihood score "
171 :     << setw(smallwidth) << setprecision(smallprecision) << likelihoodValues[i] << endl;
172 :     outfile.flush();
173 :     }
174 :    
175 :     void UnderStocking::printSummary(ofstream& outfile) {
176 :     int i;
177 :     for (i = 0; i < likelihoodValues.Size(); i++)
178 :     outfile << setw(lowwidth) << Years[i] << sep << setw(lowwidth) << Steps[i]
179 :     << " all " << this->getName() << sep << setprecision(smallprecision)
180 :     << setw(smallwidth) << weight << sep << setprecision(largeprecision)
181 :     << setw(largewidth) << likelihoodValues[i] << endl;
182 :     outfile.flush();
183 :     }

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