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[mareframe] Annotation of /trunk/gadget/poppredator.cc
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Annotation of /trunk/gadget/poppredator.cc

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Revision 1 - (view) (download)

1 : agomez 1 #include "poppredator.h"
2 :     #include "mathfunc.h"
3 :     #include "errorhandler.h"
4 :     #include "gadget.h"
5 :     #include "global.h"
6 :    
7 :     PopPredator::PopPredator(const char* givenname, const IntVector& Areas,
8 :     const LengthGroupDivision* const OtherLgrpDiv, const LengthGroupDivision* const GivenLgrpDiv)
9 :     : Predator(givenname, Areas) {
10 :    
11 :     LgrpDiv = new LengthGroupDivision(*GivenLgrpDiv);
12 :     if (LgrpDiv->Error())
13 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in poppredator - failed to create length group");
14 :     CI = new ConversionIndex(OtherLgrpDiv, LgrpDiv);
15 :     if (CI->Error())
16 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in poppredator - error when checking length structure");
17 :     }
18 :    
19 :     PopPredator::PopPredator(const char* givenname, const IntVector& Areas)
20 :     : Predator(givenname, Areas), LgrpDiv(0), CI(0) {
21 :     }
22 :    
23 :     PopPredator::~PopPredator() {
24 :     int i, j;
25 :     delete LgrpDiv;
26 :     delete CI;
27 :     for (i = 0; i < consumption.Nrow(); i++) {
28 :     for (j = 0; j < consumption[i].Size(); j++) {
29 :     delete consumption[i][j];
30 :     delete cons[i][j];
31 :     delete usesuit[i][j];
32 :     }
33 :     }
34 :     for (i = 0; i < predratio.Size(); i++)
35 :     delete predratio[i];
36 :     }
37 :    
38 :     void PopPredator::Print(ofstream& outfile) const {
39 :     Predator::Print(outfile);
40 :     int i, area;
41 :    
42 :     outfile << TAB;
43 :     LgrpDiv->Print(outfile);
44 :     for (area = 0; area < areas.Size(); area++) {
45 :     outfile << "\tNumber of predators on internal area " << areas[area] << ":\n\t";
46 :     for (i = 0; i < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); i++)
47 :     outfile << setw(smallwidth) << setprecision(smallprecision) << prednumber[area][i].N << sep;
48 :     outfile << "\n\tWeight of predators on internal area " << areas[area] << ":\n\t";
49 :     for (i = 0; i < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); i++)
50 :     outfile << setw(smallwidth) << setprecision(smallprecision) << prednumber[area][i].W << sep;
51 :     outfile << "\n\tTotal amount eaten on internal area " << areas[area] << ":\n\t";
52 :     for (i = 0; i < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); i++)
53 :     outfile << setw(smallwidth) << setprecision(smallprecision) << totalconsumption[area][i] << sep;
54 :     outfile << "\n\tOverconsumption on internal area " << areas[area] << ":\n\t";
55 :     for (i = 0; i < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); i++)
56 :     outfile << setw(smallwidth) << setprecision(smallprecision) << overconsumption[area][i] << sep;
57 :     outfile << endl;
58 :     }
59 :     }
60 :    
61 :     const DoubleMatrix& PopPredator::getConsumption(int area, const char* preyname) const {
62 :     int prey;
63 :     for (prey = 0; prey < this->numPreys(); prey++)
64 :     if (strcasecmp(this->getPreyName(prey), preyname) == 0)
65 :     return (*consumption[this->areaNum(area)][prey]);
66 :    
67 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in poppredator - failed to match prey", preyname);
68 :     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
69 :     }
70 :    
71 :     double PopPredator::getConsumptionBiomass(int prey, int area) const {
72 :     int inarea = this->areaNum(area);
73 :     if (inarea == -1)
74 :     return 0.0;
75 :    
76 :     int i, j;
77 :     double kilos = 0.0;
78 :     for (i = 0; i < (*consumption[inarea][prey]).Nrow(); i++)
79 :     for (j = 0; j < (*consumption[inarea][prey]).Ncol(i); j++)
80 :     kilos += (*consumption[inarea][prey])[i][j];
81 :    
82 :     return kilos;
83 :     }
84 :    
85 :     void PopPredator::Reset(const TimeClass* const TimeInfo) {
86 :     Predator::Reset(TimeInfo);
87 :    
88 :     int i, area;
89 :     if (TimeInfo->getSubStep() == 1) {
90 :     for (area = 0; area < areas.Size(); area++) {
91 :     totalconsumption[area].setToZero();
92 :     (*predratio[area]).setToZero();
93 :     for (i = 0; i < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); i++)
94 :     prednumber[area][i].setToZero();
95 :     for (i = 0; i < this->numPreys(); i++)
96 :     (*consumption[area][i]).setToZero();
97 :    
98 :     //JMB only reset these if they are needed ...
99 :     for (i = 0; i < this->numPreys(); i++)
100 :     if ((hasoverconsumption[area]) || (this->didChange(i, TimeInfo)))
101 :     (*usesuit[area][i]) = this->getSuitability(i);
102 :    
103 :     if (hasoverconsumption[area]) {
104 :     hasoverconsumption[area] = 0;
105 :     overconsumption[area].setToZero();
106 :     }
107 :     }
108 :     }
109 :    
110 :     if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGMESSAGE)
111 :     handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Reset predatation data for predator", this->getName());
112 :     }
113 :    
114 :     void PopPredator::setPrey(PreyPtrVector& preyvec, Keeper* const keeper) {
115 :     Predator::setPrey(preyvec, keeper);
116 :    
117 :     int i, j, numlen, numarea, preylen;
118 :     if (LgrpDiv == 0) {
119 :     //need to construct length group based on the min/max lengths of the preys
120 :     double minl, maxl;
121 :     minl = 9999.0;
122 :     maxl = 0.0;
123 :     for (i = 0; i < this->numPreys(); i++) {
124 :     minl = min(this->getPrey(i)->getLengthGroupDiv()->minLength(), minl);
125 :     maxl = max(this->getPrey(i)->getLengthGroupDiv()->maxLength(), maxl);
126 :     }
127 :     LgrpDiv = new LengthGroupDivision(minl, maxl, maxl - minl);
128 :     if (LgrpDiv->Error())
129 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in poppredator - failed to create length group");
130 :     CI = new ConversionIndex(LgrpDiv, LgrpDiv);
131 :     if (CI->Error())
132 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in poppredator - error when checking length structure");
133 :     }
134 :    
135 :     //now we need to initialise things
136 :     Predator::Initialise();
137 :     PopInfo nullpop;
138 :     numlen = LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups();
139 :     numarea = areas.Size();
140 :     for (i = 0; i < numarea; i++) {
141 :     cons.resize();
142 :     consumption.resize();
143 :     usesuit.resize();
144 :     predratio.resize(new DoubleMatrix(this->numPreys(), numlen, 0.0));
145 :     for (j = 0; j < this->numPreys(); j++) {
146 :     preylen = this->getPrey(j)->getLengthGroupDiv()->numLengthGroups();
147 :     cons[i].resize(new DoubleMatrix(numlen, preylen, 0.0));
148 :     consumption[i].resize(new DoubleMatrix(numlen, preylen, 0.0));
149 :     usesuit[i].resize(new DoubleMatrix(numlen, preylen, 0.0));
150 :     }
151 :     }
152 :    
153 :     hasoverconsumption.resize(numarea, 0);
154 :     totalcons.AddRows(numarea, numlen, 0.0);
155 :     overcons.AddRows(numarea, numlen, 0.0);
156 :     totalconsumption.AddRows(numarea, numlen, 0.0);
157 :     overconsumption.AddRows(numarea, numlen, 0.0);
158 :     prednumber.AddRows(numarea, numlen, nullpop);
159 :     }
160 :    
161 :     double PopPredator::getTotalOverConsumption(int area) const {
162 :     int inarea = this->areaNum(area);
163 :     if (inarea == -1)
164 :     return 0.0;
165 :    
166 :     int i;
167 :     double total = 0.0;
168 :     for (i = 0; i < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); i++)
169 :     total += overconsumption[inarea][i];
170 :     return total;
171 :     }
172 :    
173 :     const PopInfoVector& PopPredator::getConsumptionPopInfo(int area, const char* preyname) const {
174 :     int prey;
175 :     for (prey = 0; prey < this->numPreys(); prey++)
176 :     if (strcasecmp(this->getPreyName(prey), preyname) == 0)
177 :     return this->getPrey(prey)->getConsumptionPopInfo(area);
178 :    
179 :     handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in poppredator - failed to match prey", preyname);
180 :     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
181 :     }

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