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[mareframe] Annotation of /trunk/gadget/hooke.cc
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Annotation of /trunk/gadget/hooke.cc

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Revision 14 - (view) (download)

1 : agomez 1 /* Nonlinear Optimization using the algorithm of Hooke and Jeeves */
2 :     /* 12 February 1994 author: Mark G. Johnson */
3 : ulcessvp 11 //
4 : agomez 1 /* Find a point X where the nonlinear function f(X) has a local */
5 :     /* minimum. X is an n-vector and f(X) is a scalar. In mathe- */
6 :     /* matical notation f: R^n -> R^1. The objective function f() */
7 :     /* is not required to be continuous. Nor does f() need to be */
8 :     /* differentiable. The program does not use or require */
9 :     /* derivatives of f(). */
10 : ulcessvp 11 //
11 : agomez 1 /* The software user supplies three things: a subroutine that */
12 :     /* computes f(X), an initial "starting guess" of the minimum point */
13 :     /* X, and values for the algorithm convergence parameters. Then */
14 :     /* the program searches for a local minimum, beginning from the */
15 :     /* starting guess, using the Direct Search algorithm of Hooke and */
16 :     /* Jeeves. */
17 : ulcessvp 11 //
18 : agomez 1 /* This C program is adapted from the Algol pseudocode found in */
19 :     /* "Algorithm 178: Direct Search" by Arthur F. Kaupe Jr., Commun- */
20 :     /* ications of the ACM, Vol 6. p.313 (June 1963). It includes the */
21 :     /* improvements suggested by Bell and Pike (CACM v.9, p. 684, Sept */
22 :     /* 1966) and those of Tomlin and Smith, "Remark on Algorithm 178" */
23 :     /* (CACM v.12). The original paper, which I don't recommend as */
24 :     /* highly as the one by A. Kaupe, is: R. Hooke and T. A. Jeeves, */
25 :     /* "Direct Search Solution of Numerical and Statistical Problems", */
26 :     /* Journal of the ACM, Vol. 8, April 1961, pp. 212-229. */
27 : ulcessvp 11 //
28 : agomez 1 /* Calling sequence: */
29 :     /* int hooke(nvars, startpt, endpt, rho, epsilon, itermax) */
30 :     /* */
31 :     /* nvars {an integer} */
32 :     /* This is the number of dimensions in the domain of f(). */
33 :     /* It is the number of coordinates of the starting point */
34 :     /* (and the minimum point.) */
35 :     /* startpt {an array of doubles} */
36 :     /* This is the user-supplied guess at the minimum. */
37 :     /* endpt {an array of doubles} */
38 :     /* This is the calculated location of the local minimum */
39 :     /* rho {a double} */
40 :     /* This is a user-supplied convergence parameter (more */
41 :     /* detail below), which should be set to a value between */
42 :     /* 0.0 and 1.0. Larger values of rho give greater */
43 :     /* probability of convergence on highly nonlinear */
44 :     /* functions, at a cost of more function evaluations. */
45 :     /* Smaller values of rho reduces the number of evaluations */
46 :     /* (and the program running time), but increases the risk */
47 :     /* of nonconvergence. See below. */
48 :     /* epsilon {a double} */
49 :     /* This is the criterion for halting the search for a */
50 :     /* minimum. When the algorithm begins to make less and */
51 :     /* less progress on each iteration, it checks the halting */
52 :     /* criterion: if the stepsize is below epsilon, terminate */
53 :     /* the iteration and return the current best estimate of */
54 :     /* the minimum. Larger values of epsilon (such as 1.0e-4) */
55 :     /* give quicker running time, but a less accurate estimate */
56 :     /* of the minimum. Smaller values of epsilon (such as */
57 :     /* 1.0e-7) give longer running time, but a more accurate */
58 :     /* estimate of the minimum. */
59 :     /* itermax {an integer} A second, rarely used, halting */
60 :     /* criterion. If the algorithm uses >= itermax */
61 :     /* iterations, halt. */
62 : ulcessvp 11 //
63 : agomez 1 /* The user-supplied objective function f(x,n) should return a C */
64 :     /* "double". Its arguments are x -- an array of doubles, and */
65 :     /* n -- an integer. x is the point at which f(x) should be */
66 :     /* evaluated, and n is the number of coordinates of x. That is, */
67 :     /* n is the number of coefficients being fitted. */
68 : ulcessvp 11 //
69 : agomez 1 /* rho, the algorithm convergence control */
70 : ulcessvp 11 //
71 : agomez 1 /* The algorithm works by taking "steps" from one estimate of */
72 :     /* a minimum, to another (hopefully better) estimate. Taking */
73 :     /* big steps gets to the minimum more quickly, at the risk of */
74 :     /* "stepping right over" an excellent point. The stepsize is */
75 :     /* controlled by a user supplied parameter called rho. At each */
76 :     /* iteration, the stepsize is multiplied by rho (0 < rho < 1), */
77 :     /* so the stepsize is successively reduced. */
78 :     /* Small values of rho correspond to big stepsize changes, */
79 :     /* which make the algorithm run more quickly. However, there */
80 :     /* is a chance (especially with highly nonlinear functions) */
81 :     /* that these big changes will accidentally overlook a */
82 :     /* promising search vector, leading to nonconvergence. */
83 :     /* Large values of rho correspond to small stepsize changes, */
84 :     /* which force the algorithm to carefully examine nearby points */
85 :     /* instead of optimistically forging ahead. This improves the */
86 :     /* probability of convergence. */
87 :     /* The stepsize is reduced until it is equal to (or smaller */
88 :     /* than) epsilon. So the number of iterations performed by */
89 :     /* Hooke-Jeeves is determined by rho and epsilon: */
90 :     /* rho**(number_of_iterations) = epsilon */
91 :     /* In general it is a good idea to set rho to an aggressively */
92 :     /* small value like 0.5 (hoping for fast convergence). Then, */
93 :     /* if the user suspects that the reported minimum is incorrect */
94 :     /* (or perhaps not accurate enough), the program can be run */
95 :     /* again with a larger value of rho such as 0.85, using the */
96 :     /* result of the first minimization as the starting guess to */
97 :     /* begin the second minimization. */
98 : ulcessvp 11 //
99 : agomez 1 /* Normal use: */
100 :     /* (1) Code your function f() in the C language */
101 :     /* (2) Install your starting guess {or read it in} */
102 :     /* (3) Run the program */
103 :     /* (4) {for the skeptical}: Use the computed minimum */
104 :     /* as the starting point for another run */
105 : ulcessvp 11 //
106 : agomez 1 /* Data Fitting: */
107 :     /* Code your function f() to be the sum of the squares of the */
108 :     /* errors (differences) between the computed values and the */
109 :     /* measured values. Then minimize f() using Hooke-Jeeves. */
110 :     /* EXAMPLE: you have 20 datapoints (ti, yi) and you want to */
111 :     /* find A,B,C such that (A*t*t) + (B*exp(t)) + (C*tan(t)) */
112 :     /* fits the data as closely as possible. Then f() is just */
113 :     /* f(x) = SUM (measured_y[i] - ((A*t[i]*t[i]) + (B*exp(t[i])) */
114 :     /* + (C*tan(t[i]))))^2 */
115 :     /* where x[] is a 3-vector consisting of {A, B, C}. */
116 : ulcessvp 11 //
117 : agomez 1 /* The author of this software is M.G. Johnson. */
118 :     /* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software */
119 :     /* for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that */
120 :     /* this entire notice is included in all copies of any software */
121 :     /* which is or includes a copy or modification of this software */
122 :     /* and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such */
128 : ulcessvp 11 //
129 : agomez 1 /* JMB this has been modified to work with the gadget object structure */
130 :     /* This means that the function has been replaced by a call to ecosystem */
131 :     /* object, and we can use the vector objects that have been defined */
132 :    
133 :     #include "gadget.h"
134 :     #include "optinfo.h"
135 :     #include "mathfunc.h"
136 :     #include "doublevector.h"
137 :     #include "intvector.h"
138 :     #include "errorhandler.h"
139 :     #include "ecosystem.h"
140 :     #include "global.h"
141 :    
142 : ulcessvp 11 #ifndef NO_OPENMP
143 :     #include "omp.h"
144 :     #endif
145 :    
146 : agomez 1 extern Ecosystem* EcoSystem;
147 : ulcessvp 11 #ifndef NO_OPENMP
148 :     extern Ecosystem** EcoSystems;
149 :     #endif
150 : agomez 1
151 :     /* given a point, look for a better one nearby, one coord at a time */
152 :     double OptInfoHooke::bestNearby(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param) {
153 :    
154 :     double minf, ftmp;
155 :     int i;
156 :     DoubleVector z(point);
157 :    
158 :     minf = prevbest;
159 :     for (i = 0; i < point.Size(); i++) {
160 :     z[param[i]] = point[param[i]] + delta[param[i]];
161 :     ftmp = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(z);
162 :     if (ftmp < minf) {
163 :     minf = ftmp;
164 :     } else {
165 :     delta[param[i]] = 0.0 - delta[param[i]];
166 :     z[param[i]] = point[param[i]] + delta[param[i]];
167 :     ftmp = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(z);
168 :     if (ftmp < minf)
169 :     minf = ftmp;
170 :     else
171 :     z[param[i]] = point[param[i]];
172 :     }
173 :     }
174 :    
175 :     for (i = 0; i < point.Size(); i++)
176 :     point[i] = z[i];
177 :     return minf;
178 :     }
179 :    
180 : ulcessvp 11 /* given a point, look for a better one nearby, one coord at a time */
181 :     #ifndef NO_OPENMP
182 : ulcessvp 12 /*
183 :     * function bestBeraby parallelized with OpenMP
184 :     * · 2 threads per coord to parallelize the calculation of +delta/-delta
185 :     * · parallelize the calculation of the best nearby of the coord
186 :     */
187 : ulcessvp 11 double OptInfoHooke::bestNearbyOMP(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param) {
188 :     double minf;//, ftmp;
189 :     int i, j, k;
190 :     DoubleVector z(point);
191 :    
192 :     struct Storage {
193 :     DoubleVector z;
194 :     DoubleVector delta;
195 :     double ftmp;
196 :     int iters;
197 :     };
198 :    
199 :     minf = prevbest;
200 :     i = 0;
201 :    
202 :     int paral_tokens, numThr, nvars = point.Size();
203 :     numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( );
204 :    
205 :     Storage* storage = new Storage[numThr];
206 :     if ((numThr % 2) == 0)
207 :     paral_tokens = numThr / 2;
208 :     else {
209 :     return -1;
210 :     }
211 :    
212 :     while ( i < nvars) {
213 :     if ((i + paral_tokens -1) >= nvars)
214 :     paral_tokens = nvars - i;
215 :     omp_set_dynamic(0);
216 : ulcessvp 14 omp_set_nested(1); //permit the nested parallelization
217 :     #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(paral_tokens) private(k) //parallelize the parameters (numThr/2)
218 : ulcessvp 11 for (j = 0; j < paral_tokens; ++j) {
219 :     storage[j].z = z;
220 :     storage[j].delta = delta;
221 :     DoubleVector v1(z);
222 :     DoubleVector v2(z);
223 :     k = param[i+j];
224 :     v1[k] += delta[k];
225 :     v2[k] -= delta[k];
226 :    
227 : ulcessvp 14 #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2) //parrallelize the +/- delta simulation for each parameter
228 : ulcessvp 11 {
229 : ulcessvp 12 #pragma omp section
230 : ulcessvp 11 {
231 :     storage[j].ftmp = EcoSystems[j]->SimulateAndUpdate(v1);
232 :     }
233 : ulcessvp 12 #pragma omp section
234 : ulcessvp 11 {
235 :     storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp = EcoSystems[j+paral_tokens]->SimulateAndUpdate(v2);
236 :     }
237 :     }
238 :    
239 :     if (storage[j].ftmp < minf) {
240 :     storage[j].iters = 1;
241 :     storage[j].z[k] = v1[k];
242 :     } else {
243 :     storage[j].iters = 2;
244 :     storage[j].delta[k] = 0.0 - delta[k];
245 :     if (storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp < minf) {
246 :     storage[j].ftmp = storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp;
247 :     storage[j].z[k] = v2[k];
248 :     }
249 :     }
250 :     }
251 :    
252 :     for (j = 0; j < paral_tokens; ++j) {
253 :     i++;
254 :     iters += storage[j].iters;
255 :     if (storage[j].ftmp < minf) {
256 :     minf = storage[j].ftmp;
257 :     z = storage[j].z;
258 :     delta = storage[j].delta;
259 :     break;
260 :     }
261 :     }
262 :     }
263 :    
264 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i)
265 :     point[i] = z[i];
266 :     return minf;
267 :     }
268 :     #endif
269 :    
270 : agomez 1 void OptInfoHooke::OptimiseLikelihood() {
271 :    
272 :     double oldf, newf, bestf, steplength, tmp;
273 :     int i, offset;
274 :     int rchange, rcheck, rnumber; //Used to randomise the order of the parameters
275 :    
276 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStarting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
277 :     int nvars = EcoSystem->numOptVariables();
278 :     DoubleVector x(nvars);
279 :     DoubleVector trialx(nvars);
280 :     DoubleVector bestx(nvars);
281 :     DoubleVector lowerb(nvars);
282 :     DoubleVector upperb(nvars);
283 :     DoubleVector init(nvars);
284 :     DoubleVector initialstep(nvars, rho);
285 :     DoubleVector delta(nvars);
286 :     IntVector param(nvars, 0);
287 :     IntVector lbound(nvars, 0);
288 :     IntVector rbounds(nvars, 0);
289 :     IntVector trapped(nvars, 0);
290 :    
291 :     EcoSystem->scaleVariables();
292 : ulcessvp 11 #ifndef NO_OPENMP
293 :     int numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( );
294 : ulcessvp 14 for (i = 0; i < numThr; i++) // scale the variables for the ecosystem of every thread
295 : ulcessvp 11 EcoSystems[i]->scaleVariables();
296 :     #endif
297 : agomez 1 EcoSystem->getOptScaledValues(x);
298 :     EcoSystem->getOptLowerBounds(lowerb);
299 :     EcoSystem->getOptUpperBounds(upperb);
300 :     EcoSystem->getOptInitialValues(init);
301 :    
302 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
303 :     // Scaling the bounds, because the parameters are scaled
304 :     lowerb[i] = lowerb[i] / init[i];
305 :     upperb[i] = upperb[i] / init[i];
306 :     if (lowerb[i] > upperb[i]) {
307 :     tmp = lowerb[i];
308 :     lowerb[i] = upperb[i];
309 :     upperb[i] = tmp;
310 :     }
311 :    
312 :     bestx[i] = x[i];
313 :     trialx[i] = x[i];
314 :     param[i] = i;
315 :     delta[i] = ((2 * (rand() % 2)) - 1) * rho; //JMB - randomise the sign
316 :     }
317 :    
318 :     bestf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
319 :     if (bestf != bestf) { //check for NaN
320 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error starting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation with f(x) = infinity");
321 :     converge = -1;
322 :     iters = 1;
323 :     return;
324 :     }
325 :    
326 :     offset = EcoSystem->getFuncEval(); //number of function evaluations done before loop
327 :     newf = bestf;
328 :     oldf = bestf;
329 :     steplength = lambda;
330 :     if (isZero(steplength))
331 :     steplength = rho;
332 :    
333 : ulcessvp 11 iters = 0;
334 :    
335 : agomez 1 while (1) {
336 :     if (isZero(bestf)) {
337 : ulcessvp 11 #ifdef NO_OPENMP
338 : agomez 1 iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
339 : ulcessvp 11 #endif
340 : agomez 1 handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error in Hooke & Jeeves optimisation after", iters, "function evaluations, f(x) = 0");
341 :     converge = -1;
342 :     return;
343 :     }
344 :    
345 :     /* randomize the order of the parameters once in a while */
346 :     rchange = 0;
347 :     while (rchange < nvars) {
348 :     rnumber = rand() % nvars;
349 :     rcheck = 1;
350 :     for (i = 0; i < rchange; i++)
351 :     if (param[i] == rnumber)
352 :     rcheck = 0;
353 :     if (rcheck) {
354 :     param[rchange] = rnumber;
355 :     rchange++;
356 :     }
357 :     }
358 :    
359 :     /* find best new point, one coord at a time */
360 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
361 :     trialx[i] = x[i];
362 : ulcessvp 11 #ifndef NO_OPENMP
363 :     newf = this->bestNearbyOMP(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
364 :     if (newf == -1) {
365 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
366 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n");
367 :     return;
368 :     }
369 :     #else
370 : agomez 1 newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
371 : ulcessvp 11 #endif
372 :     /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */
373 : agomez 1
374 : ulcessvp 11 #ifdef NO_OPENMP
375 : agomez 1 iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
376 : ulcessvp 11 #endif
377 : agomez 1 if (iters > hookeiter) {
378 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
379 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations");
380 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength);
381 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations");
382 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run");
383 :    
384 :     score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
385 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score);
386 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
387 :     bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i];
388 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx);
389 :     return;
390 :     }
391 :    
392 :     /* if we made some improvements, pursue that direction */
393 :     while (newf < bestf) {
394 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
395 :     /* if it has been trapped but f has now gotten better (bndcheck) */
396 :     /* we assume that we are out of the trap, reset the counters */
397 :     /* and go back to the stepsize we had when we got trapped */
398 :     if ((trapped[i]) && (newf < oldf * bndcheck)) {
399 :     trapped[i] = 0;
400 :     lbound[i] = 0;
401 :     rbounds[i] = 0;
402 :     delta[i] = initialstep[i];
403 :    
404 :     } else if (trialx[i] < (lowerb[i] + verysmall)) {
405 :     lbound[i]++;
406 :     trialx[i] = lowerb[i];
407 :     if (!trapped[i]) {
408 :     initialstep[i] = delta[i];
409 :     trapped[i] = 1;
410 :     }
411 :     /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */
412 :     if (lbound[i] >= 2)
413 :     delta[i] /= rho;
414 :    
415 :     } else if (trialx[i] > (upperb[i] - verysmall)) {
416 :     rbounds[i]++;
417 :     trialx[i] = upperb[i];
418 :     if (!trapped[i]) {
419 :     initialstep[i] = delta[i];
420 :     trapped[i] = 1;
421 :     }
422 :     /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */
423 :     if (rbounds[i] >= 2)
424 :     delta[i] /= rho;
425 :     }
426 :     }
427 :    
428 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
429 :     /* firstly, arrange the sign of delta[] */
430 :     if (trialx[i] < x[i])
431 :     delta[i] = 0.0 - fabs(delta[i]);
432 :     else
433 :     delta[i] = fabs(delta[i]);
434 :    
435 :     /* now, move further in this direction */
436 :     tmp = x[i];
437 :     x[i] = trialx[i];
438 :     trialx[i] = trialx[i] + trialx[i] - tmp;
439 :     }
440 :    
441 :     /* only move forward if this is really an improvement */
442 :     oldf = newf;
443 :     newf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
444 : ulcessvp 11 #ifndef NO_OPENMP
445 :     iters++;
446 :     #endif
447 : agomez 1 if ((isEqual(newf, oldf)) || (newf > oldf)) {
448 :     newf = oldf; //JMB no improvement, so reset the value of newf
449 :     break;
450 :     }
451 :    
452 :     /* OK, it's better, so update variables and look around */
453 :     bestf = newf;
454 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
455 :     x[i] = trialx[i];
456 : ulcessvp 11
457 :     #ifndef NO_OPENMP
458 :     newf = this->bestNearbyOMP(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
459 :     if (newf == -1) {
460 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
461 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n");
462 :     return;
463 :     }
464 :     #else
465 : agomez 1 newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
466 : ulcessvp 11 #endif
467 : agomez 1 if (isEqual(newf, bestf))
468 :     break;
469 :    
470 :     /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */
471 : ulcessvp 11 #ifdef NO_OPENMP
472 : agomez 1 iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
473 : ulcessvp 11 #endif
474 : agomez 1 if (iters > hookeiter) {
475 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
476 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations");
477 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength);
478 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations");
479 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run");
480 :    
481 :     score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
482 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score);
483 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
484 :     bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i];
485 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx);
486 :     return;
487 :     }
488 :     }
489 :    
490 : ulcessvp 11 #ifdef NO_OPENMP
491 : agomez 1 iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
492 : ulcessvp 11 #endif
493 : agomez 1 if (newf < bestf) {
494 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
495 :     bestx[i] = x[i] * init[i];
496 :     bestf = newf;
497 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nNew optimum found after", iters, "function evaluations");
498 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The likelihood score is", bestf, "at the point");
499 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx);
500 :     EcoSystem->writeBestValues();
501 :    
502 :     } else
503 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Checking convergence criteria after", iters, "function evaluations ...");
504 :    
505 :     /* if the step length is less than hookeeps, terminate the algorithm */
506 :     if (steplength < hookeeps) {
507 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
508 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations");
509 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength);
510 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because an optimum was found for this run");
511 :    
512 :     converge = 1;
513 :     score = bestf;
514 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score);
515 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx);
516 :     return;
517 :     }
518 :    
519 :     steplength *= rho;
520 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Reducing the steplength to", steplength);
521 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
522 :     delta[i] *= rho;
523 :     }
524 :     }
525 : ulcessvp 11
526 : ulcessvp 12 /* Functions to perform the parallelization of the algorithm of HJ with OpenMP*/
527 : ulcessvp 11 #ifdef GADGET_OPENMP
528 :     double OptInfoHooke::bestNearbyOMP2(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param) {
529 : ulcessvp 12 double minf;
530 : ulcessvp 11 int i, j, k, ii;
531 :     DoubleVector z(point);
532 :     int bestId = 0;
533 :     struct Storage {
534 :     DoubleVector z;
535 :     DoubleVector delta;
536 :     double ftmp;
537 :     int iters;
538 :     };
539 :    
540 :     minf = prevbest;
541 :    
542 :     int paral_tokens, numThr, nvars = point.Size();
543 :     numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( );
544 :    
545 :     Storage* storage = new Storage[numThr];
546 :     if ((numThr % 2) == 0)
547 :     paral_tokens = numThr / 2;
548 :     else {
549 :     return -1;
550 :     }
551 :    
552 :     for (ii=0; ii< paral_tokens; ii++) {
553 :     i = 0;
554 :     while ( i < nvars) {
555 :     if ((i + paral_tokens -1) >= nvars)
556 :     paral_tokens = nvars - i;
557 :     omp_set_dynamic(0);
558 :     omp_set_nested(1);
559 :     #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(paral_tokens) private(k)
560 :     for (j = 0; j < paral_tokens; ++j) {
561 :     storage[j].z = z;
562 :     storage[j].delta = delta;
563 :     DoubleVector v1(z);
564 :     DoubleVector v2(z);
565 :     k = param[i+j];
566 :     v1[k] += delta[k];
567 :     v2[k] -= delta[k];
568 :    
569 : ulcessvp 12 #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2)
570 : ulcessvp 11 {
571 :     #pragma omp section
572 :     {
573 :     storage[j].ftmp = EcoSystems[j]->SimulateAndUpdate(v1);
574 :     }
575 :     #pragma omp section
576 :     {
577 :     storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp = EcoSystems[j+paral_tokens]->SimulateAndUpdate(v2);
578 :     }
579 :     }
580 :     if (storage[j].ftmp < minf) {
581 :     storage[j].iters = 1;
582 :     storage[j].z[k] = v1[k];
583 :     } else {
584 :     storage[j].iters = 2;
585 :     storage[j].delta[k] = 0.0 - delta[k];
586 :     if (storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp < minf) {
587 :     storage[j].ftmp = storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp;
588 :     storage[j].z[k] = v2[k];
589 :     }
590 :     else iters += 2;
591 :     }
592 :     }
593 :    
594 :     bestId = 0;
595 :     for (j = 1; j < paral_tokens; ++j) {
596 :     if (storage[j].ftmp < storage[bestId].ftmp)
597 :     bestId = j;
598 :     }
599 :     if (storage[bestId].ftmp < minf) {
600 :     iters += storage[bestId].iters;
601 :     minf = storage[bestId].ftmp;
602 :     z = storage[bestId].z;
603 :     delta = storage[bestId].delta;
604 :     }
605 :    
606 :     i += paral_tokens;
607 :     }
608 :     }
609 :    
610 :     delete[] storage;
611 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i)
612 :     point[i] = z[i];
613 :    
614 :     return minf;
615 :     }
616 :    
617 :     void OptInfoHooke::OptimiseLikelihoodOMP() {
618 :     double oldf, newf, bestf, steplength, tmp;
619 :     int i, offset;
620 :     int rchange, rcheck, rnumber; //Used to randomise the order of the parameters
621 :    
622 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStarting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
623 :     int nvars = EcoSystem->numOptVariables();
624 :     DoubleVector x(nvars);
625 :     DoubleVector trialx(nvars);
626 :     DoubleVector bestx(nvars);
627 :     DoubleVector lowerb(nvars);
628 :     DoubleVector upperb(nvars);
629 :     DoubleVector init(nvars);
630 :     DoubleVector initialstep(nvars, rho);
631 :     DoubleVector delta(nvars);
632 :     IntVector param(nvars, 0);
633 :     IntVector lbound(nvars, 0);
634 :     IntVector rbounds(nvars, 0);
635 :     IntVector trapped(nvars, 0);
636 :    
637 :     EcoSystem->scaleVariables();
638 :     int numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( );
639 : ulcessvp 14 for (i = 0; i < numThr; i++) // scale the variables for the ecosystem of every thread
640 : ulcessvp 11 EcoSystems[i]->scaleVariables();
641 :     EcoSystem->getOptScaledValues(x);
642 :     EcoSystem->getOptLowerBounds(lowerb);
643 :     EcoSystem->getOptUpperBounds(upperb);
644 :     EcoSystem->getOptInitialValues(init);
645 :    
646 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
647 :     // Scaling the bounds, because the parameters are scaled
648 :     lowerb[i] = lowerb[i] / init[i];
649 :     upperb[i] = upperb[i] / init[i];
650 :     if (lowerb[i] > upperb[i]) {
651 :     tmp = lowerb[i];
652 :     lowerb[i] = upperb[i];
653 :     upperb[i] = tmp;
654 :     }
655 :    
656 :     bestx[i] = x[i];
657 :     trialx[i] = x[i];
658 :     param[i] = i;
659 :     delta[i] = ((2 * (rand() % 2)) - 1) * rho; //JMB - randomise the sign
660 :     }
661 :    
662 :     bestf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
663 :     if (bestf != bestf) { //check for NaN
664 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error starting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation with f(x) = infinity");
665 :     converge = -1;
666 :     iters = 1;
667 :     return;
668 :     }
669 :    
670 :     offset = EcoSystem->getFuncEval(); //number of function evaluations done before loop
671 :     newf = bestf;
672 :     oldf = bestf;
673 :     steplength = lambda;
674 :     if (isZero(steplength))
675 :     steplength = rho;
676 :    
677 :     iters = 0;
678 :    
679 :     while (1) {
680 :     if (isZero(bestf)) {
681 :     #ifdef NO_OPENMP
682 :     iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
683 :     #endif
684 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error in Hooke & Jeeves optimisation after", iters, "function evaluations, f(x) = 0");
685 :     converge = -1;
686 :     return;
687 :     }
688 :    
689 :     /* randomize the order of the parameters once in a while */
690 :     rchange = 0;
691 :     while (rchange < nvars) {
692 :     rnumber = rand() % nvars;
693 :     rcheck = 1;
694 :     for (i = 0; i < rchange; i++)
695 :     if (param[i] == rnumber)
696 :     rcheck = 0;
697 :     if (rcheck) {
698 :     param[rchange] = rnumber;
699 :     rchange++;
700 :     }
701 :     }
702 :    
703 :     /* find best new point, one coord at a time */
704 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
705 :     trialx[i] = x[i];
706 :     #ifndef NO_OPENMP
707 :     newf = this->bestNearbyOMP2(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
708 :     if (newf == -1) {
709 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
710 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n");
711 :     return;
712 :     }
713 :     #else
714 :     newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
715 :     #endif
716 :     /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */
717 :    
718 :     #ifdef NO_OPENMP
719 :     iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
720 :     #endif
721 :     if (iters > hookeiter) {
722 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
723 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations");
724 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength);
725 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations");
726 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run");
727 :    
728 :     score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
729 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score);
730 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
731 :     bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i];
732 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx);
733 :     return;
734 :     }
735 :    
736 :     /* if we made some improvements, pursue that direction */
737 :     while (newf < bestf) {
738 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
739 :     /* if it has been trapped but f has now gotten better (bndcheck) */
740 :     /* we assume that we are out of the trap, reset the counters */
741 :     /* and go back to the stepsize we had when we got trapped */
742 :     if ((trapped[i]) && (newf < oldf * bndcheck)) {
743 :     trapped[i] = 0;
744 :     lbound[i] = 0;
745 :     rbounds[i] = 0;
746 :     delta[i] = initialstep[i];
747 :    
748 :     } else if (trialx[i] < (lowerb[i] + verysmall)) {
749 :     lbound[i]++;
750 :     trialx[i] = lowerb[i];
751 :     if (!trapped[i]) {
752 :     initialstep[i] = delta[i];
753 :     trapped[i] = 1;
754 :     }
755 :     /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */
756 :     if (lbound[i] >= 2)
757 :     delta[i] /= rho;
758 :    
759 :     } else if (trialx[i] > (upperb[i] - verysmall)) {
760 :     rbounds[i]++;
761 :     trialx[i] = upperb[i];
762 :     if (!trapped[i]) {
763 :     initialstep[i] = delta[i];
764 :     trapped[i] = 1;
765 :     }
766 :     /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */
767 :     if (rbounds[i] >= 2)
768 :     delta[i] /= rho;
769 :     }
770 :     }
771 :    
772 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
773 :     /* firstly, arrange the sign of delta[] */
774 :     if (trialx[i] < x[i])
775 :     delta[i] = 0.0 - fabs(delta[i]);
776 :     else
777 :     delta[i] = fabs(delta[i]);
778 :    
779 :     /* now, move further in this direction */
780 :     tmp = x[i];
781 :     x[i] = trialx[i];
782 :     trialx[i] = trialx[i] + trialx[i] - tmp;
783 :     }
784 :    
785 :     /* only move forward if this is really an improvement */
786 :     oldf = newf;
787 :     newf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
788 :     #ifndef NO_OPENMP
789 :     iters++;
790 :     #endif
791 :     if ((isEqual(newf, oldf)) || (newf > oldf)) {
792 :     newf = oldf; //JMB no improvement, so reset the value of newf
793 :     break;
794 :     }
795 :    
796 :     /* OK, it's better, so update variables and look around */
797 :     bestf = newf;
798 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
799 :     x[i] = trialx[i];
800 :    
801 :     #ifndef NO_OPENMP
802 :     newf = this->bestNearbyOMP2(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
803 :     if (newf == -1) {
804 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
805 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n");
806 :     return;
807 :     }
808 :     #else
809 :     newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param);
810 :     #endif
811 :     if (isEqual(newf, bestf))
812 :     break;
813 :    
814 :     /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */
815 :     #ifdef NO_OPENMP
816 :     iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
817 :     #endif
818 :     if (iters > hookeiter) {
819 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
820 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations");
821 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength);
822 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations");
823 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run");
824 :    
825 :     score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx);
826 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score);
827 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
828 :     bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i];
829 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx);
830 :     return;
831 :     }
832 :     }
833 :    
834 :     #ifdef NO_OPENMP
835 :     iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset;
836 :     #endif
837 :     if (newf < bestf) {
838 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
839 :     bestx[i] = x[i] * init[i];
840 :     bestf = newf;
841 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nNew optimum found after", iters, "function evaluations");
842 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The likelihood score is", bestf, "at the point");
843 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx);
844 :     EcoSystem->writeBestValues();
845 :    
846 :     } else
847 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Checking convergence criteria after", iters, "function evaluations ...");
848 :    
849 :     /* if the step length is less than hookeeps, terminate the algorithm */
850 :     if (steplength < hookeeps) {
851 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n");
852 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations");
853 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength);
854 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because an optimum was found for this run");
855 :    
856 :     converge = 1;
857 :     score = bestf;
858 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score);
859 :     EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx);
860 :     return;
861 :     }
862 :    
863 :     steplength *= rho;
864 :     handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Reducing the steplength to", steplength);
865 :     for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
866 :     delta[i] *= rho;
867 :     }
868 :     }
869 :     #endif

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