#!/usr/bin/python # # BonFIRE Virtual Clusters on Federated Clouds Demonstration Kit # # Copyright (c) Fundacion Centro Tecnologico de Supercomputacion de Galicia 2012 # # License GPL Version 3 # # The research leading to these results has received funding from # the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) # under agreement number 257386 # # This software is provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY # import os import os.path import subprocess import sys import time from logger import log,configure if len(sys.argv)>1: configure(logfile = sys.argv[1], debug=True, console=False) else: configure(debug=True, console=True) try: import bonfire import hostsfile import ogs import vcutil allow_single_cluster = True default_bonfire = "/etc/default/bonfire" bonfire.read_defaults(default_bonfire) hosts_file = "/etc/hosts" log.info("Bonfire URI: %s" % bonfire.uri) log.info("Credentials: %s:%s" % (bonfire.user,bonfire.password,)) log.info("Experiment: %s" % bonfire.experiment_id) #Basic hostsfile for main nodes while True: try: log.info("Get experiment") master_host = None shadow_host = None while (master_host == None) and ((not allow_single_cluster) or (shadow_host == None)) : experiment = bonfire.get_experiment(bonfire.experiment_id) for compute in experiment['computes']: if compute["hostname"].startswith("master"): master_host = (compute['ip'],compute['hostname']) elif compute["hostname"].startswith("shadow"): shadow_host = (compute['ip'],compute['hostname']) main_hosts = [('','localhost'),(bonfire.wan_ip,bonfire.hostname), master_host] if shadow_host: main_hosts.append(shadow_host) data_host = master_host if bonfire.hostname.startswith("client-shadow"): data_host = shadow_host log.debug(str(main_hosts)) break except Exception as excpt: log.exception(excpt) time.sleep(20) hostsfile.store(hosts_file,main_hosts) #Try to mount shared log.info("Try to mount NFS volume") while True: try: log.debug(vcutil.execute("mount -t nfs %s:/volume /shared" % data_host[1])) break except Exception as excpt: log.debug("NFS volume not available") log.exception(excpt) try: log.debug(vcutil.execute("umount /shared")) except Exception as excpt: log.exception(excpt) time.sleep(20) #Mount shared log.debug(vcutil.execute("umount /shared")) log.info("Sync mount NFS volume") log.debug(vcutil.execute("mount -t nfs -o nordirplus,hard,nointr,rw %s:/volume /shared" % data_host[1])) while not (os.path.exists("/shared/ogs/default/common/sgeexecd") and os.path.exists("/shared/ogs/default/common/settings.sh")): log.debug("OGS directory not available") time.sleep(5) #Configure OGS installation log.debug(vcutil.execute("""export SGE_ROOT=/shared/ogs cd $SGE_ROOT echo \". $SGE_ROOT/default/common/settings.sh\" >> /root/.bashrc ln -s $SGE_ROOT/default/common/sgeexecd /etc/init.d/sgeexecd """)) log.debug("Checking if OGS is available") while True: try: log.debug(vcutil.execute(". /shared/ogs/default/common/settings.sh; qstat")) break except Exception as excpt: log.exception(excpt) time.sleep(10) log.debug(vcutil.execute(". /shared/ogs/default/common/settings.sh; python -u /root/vc/vc-node-execd.py /var/log/vc-node-execd.log" , fork = True)) except Exception as excpt: log.exception(excpt)