#################################################################################################### # ANNUAL UPDATE # Script to create a R object with the information of the last year # to ejecute all the R scripts without modification # (camilo.saavedra@vi.ieo.es) 10/07/2013 #################################################################################################### # VERY IMPORTANT: Set working directory to source file location # setwd() # Object with the last year with landings and survey data (previous year of the assessment) lastYear <- 2014 # likelihood lkModel <- 1015.1691 # Save object. Needed for future scripts "plot_FQuarter.r", "table_Summary.r", "data_FMult.r", # "data_Fcomp.r", "plot_LongProj.r", "plot_ShortProj.r" save(list=c("lastYear", "lkModel"), file= "R.data/annualUpdate.RData")