;A configuration file for the sens.pl sensitivity testing program. ;This file contains all the set-up information required to perform a sensitivity test on a gadget model ;Use this file by typing 'sens.pl -i ' ;This file generated automatically at Mon Dec 10 17:38:12 CET 2012 by camilo using the script sens.pl v.1 ;sens.pl v.1 written by Daniel Howell, May 2002 ;name of the gadget executable executable = gadget ;name of the input file with the initial point inputfile = params.final ;name of the output file where results will be stored outputfile = sens.txt ;What range will we perform our sensitivity tests across sensmax = 10 stepsize = 1 innermax = 1 innerstep = 0.1 ;Will we be looking at only the optimized variables, or all of them? opt_only = yes ;Will we be looking at all variables or just some? Options are 'few' and 'all' vars = all ;If only a few, which ones will they be? Can be blank if we are using 'all' variables varnames = ;End of Config file sens.cfg