; ; Printer file for South hake model with last Rec=GM(rec) ; used to estimate F multipliers for prefictions ; ; C matrix by length,quarter [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd disc ; preynames hke ; areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ; ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg ; lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg ; printfile ../outp/hkeLenC.recGM.out ; yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; Landings matrix by length,quarter [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd ; preynames hke ; areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ; ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg ; lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg ; printfile ../outp/hkeLenL.recGM.out ; yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; Discards matrix by length,quarter [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames disc ; preynames hke ; areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ; ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg ; lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg ; printfile ../outp/hkeLenD.recGM.out ; yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; N matrix by length,quarter [component] type stockprinter stocknames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg printfile ../outp/hkeLenN.recGM.out printatstart 1 ;at the start of the timestep. O default at the end yearsandsteps all all ; ;; N matrix by age,quarter [component] type stockprinter stocknames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.age.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.alllen.agg printfile ../outp/hkeAgeN.recGM.out printatstart 1 ;at the start of the timestep. O default at the end yearsandsteps all all ; ;F and Canches by age [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd disc ; preynames hke ; areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ; ageaggfile ../agg/hke.age.agg ; lenaggfile ../agg/hke.alllen.agg ; printfile ../outp/hkeAgeC.recGM.out ; yearsandsteps all all ;