; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Printer file for South hake model ; Compare with catch length distribution ; Standart output ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; SUMMARY PRINTER ; ;;LIKELIHOOD SUMMARY; Summary of likelihood component that gives component name, weight and score for area and timestep ; [component] type likelihoodsummaryprinter printfile ../out/hke.lik.summ.out ; ; ; ; ; ;;; LIKELIHOOD PRINTER ; ;; FLEETS ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood Land1.ldist printfile ../out/expected.landings1.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood Land.ldist printfile ../out/expected.landings.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood cdLand.ldist printfile ../out/expected.cdlandings.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood Disc.ldist printfile ../out/expected.discards.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpDem.ldist printfile ../out/expected-sp_surv.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtDem.ldist printfile ../out/expected-pt_surv.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood CdAut.ldist printfile ../out/expected-cdAut_surv.ld ;yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ;; INDEX ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpIndex15cm.1 printfile ../out/SpINDEX15.1.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpIndex15cm.2 printfile ../out/SpINDEX15.2.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpIndex15cm.3 printfile ../out/SpINDEX15.3.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpIndex15cm.4 printfile ../out/SpINDEX15.4.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtIndex15cm.1 printfile ../out/PtINDEX15.1.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtIndex15cm.2 printfile ../out/PtINDEX15.2.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtIndex15cm.3 printfile ../out/PtINDEX15.3.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtIndex15cm.4 printfile ../out/PtINDEX15.4.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ;; CPUE ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpCPUE15cm.1 printfile ../out/SpCPUE15.1.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpCPUE15cm.2 printfile ../out/SpCPUE15.2.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood SpCPUE15cm.3 printfile ../out/SpCPUE15.3.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtCPUE15cm.1 printfile ../out/PtCPUE15.1.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtCPUE15cm.2 printfile ../out/PtCPUE15.2.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; [component] type likelihoodprinter likelihood PtCPUE15cm.3 printfile ../out/PtCPUE15.3.print ;yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ; ; ;;; STOCK PRINTER ; ;; TOTAL BIOMASS BY AGE AND QUARTER (N MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type stockprinter stocknames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.age.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.alllen.agg printfile ../out/hkeAgeN.out printatstart 1 ;at the start of the timestep. O default at the end yearsandsteps all all ; ;; TOTAL BIOMASS BY LENGTH AND QUARTER (N MATRIX)- EJ ; [component] type stockprinter stocknames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg printfile ../out/hkeLenN.out printatstart 1 ;at the start of the timestep. O default at the end yearsandsteps all all ; ;; DATA FOR LEN DISTRIBUTION PLOT - TOTAL BIOMASS BY 2CM_LENGTH AND QUARTER (N MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type stockprinter stocknames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len2.agg ; numbers and mean weight at LEN2CM (from 4 to 130 cm) printfile ../out/NWLen2cm.report printatstart 1 ;at the start of the timestep. O default at the end yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ; ; ;;; STOCK STANDARD PRINTER ; ;; TOTAL STANDARD BIOMASS ; [component] type stockstdprinter stockname hke scale 1 ;no scale printfile ../out/hke.std.out printatstart 1 ;at the start of the timestep. O default at the end yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ; ; ;;; PREDATOR PREY PRINTER ; ; TOTAL CATCH BY AGE AND QUARTER (C MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd disc preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.age.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.alllen.agg printfile ../out/hkeAgeC.out yearsandsteps all all ; ;; LANDINGS BY AGE AND QUARTER (L MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.age.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.alllen.agg printfile ../out/hkeAgeL.out yearsandsteps all all ; ;; DISCARDS BY AGE AND QUARTER (D MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames disc preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.age.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.alllen.agg printfile ../out/hkeAgeD.out yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ;; TOTAL CATCH BY LENGTH AND QUARTER (C MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd disc preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg printfile ../out/hkeLenC.out yearsandsteps all all ; ;; LANDINGS BY LENGTH AND QUARTER (L MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg printfile ../out/hkeLenL.out yearsandsteps all all ; ;; DISCARDS BY LENGTH AND QUARTER (D MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames disc preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len1.agg printfile ../out/hkeLenD.out yearsandsteps all all ; ; ; ;; DATA FOR LEN DISTRIBUTION PLOT - TOTAL CATCH BY 2CM_LENGTH AND QUARTER (C MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames land1 land2 landCd disc preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len2.agg ; numbers and mean weight at LEN2CM (from 4 to 130 cm) printfile ../out/FCatLen2cm.report yearsandsteps all all ; ;; DATA FOR LEN DISTRIBUTION PLOT - DISCARDS BY 2CM_LENGTH AND QUARTER (C MATRIX) - EJ ; [component] type predatorpreyprinter predatornames disc preynames hke areaaggfile ../agg/area.agg ageaggfile ../agg/hke.allage.agg lenaggfile ../agg/hke.len2.agg ; numbers and mean weight at LEN2CM (from 4 to 130 cm) printfile ../out/FDisLen2cm.report yearsandsteps all all