#ifndef stock_h #define stock_h #include "areatime.h" #include "agebandmatrix.h" #include "agebandmatrixratioptrvector.h" #include "base.h" #include "conversionindex.h" #include "stockptrvector.h" #include "tagptrvector.h" #include "commentstream.h" class Stock; class Keeper; class NaturalMortality; class Grower; class InitialCond; class Migration; class Transition; class PopPredator; class StockPrey; class Maturity; class RenewalData; class SpawnData; class StrayData; /** * \class Stock * \brief This is the class used to model a stock within the Gadget model * * This class is used to model the population of a stock during a model simulation. */ class Stock : public BaseClass { public: /** * \brief This is the Stock constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the stock parameters from * \param givenname is the name of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model */ Stock(CommentStream& infile, const char* givenname, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper); /** * \brief This is the default Stock constructor * \param givenname is the name of the stock */ Stock(const char* givenname); /** * \brief This is the default Stock destructor */ virtual ~Stock(); /** * \brief This function will update the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void calcNumbers(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will reduce the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void reducePop(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate the growth of the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void Grow(int area, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate any transition of the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updateAgePart1(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate the age increase of the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updateAgePart2(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will implement the transiton of the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updateAgePart3(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate the spawning of the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updatePopulationPart1(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate add the newly matured stock into the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updatePopulationPart2(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate add the new recruits into the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updatePopulationPart3(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate calculate the straying of the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updatePopulationPart4(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate add the strayed stock into the model population for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void updatePopulationPart5(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will calculate the modelled consumption for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void calcEat(int area, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will check the modelled consumption for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void checkEat(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will adjust the modelled consumption for an area in the model * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void adjustEat(int area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will reset the model population * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void Reset(const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will print the model population * \param outfile is the ofstream that all the model information gets sent to */ void Print(ofstream& outfile) const; /** * \brief This function will implement the migration of the model population for the model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model */ virtual void Migrate(const TimeClass* const TimeInfo); /** * \brief This function will add a AgeBandMatrix to the current stock population * \param Addition is the AgeBandMatrix that will be added to the population * \param CI is the ConversionIndex that will convert between the length groups * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param ratio is a multiplicative constant applied */ void Add(const AgeBandMatrix& Addition, const ConversionIndex* const CI, int area, double ratio); /** * \brief This function will add a AgeBandMatrixRatioPtrVector to the current tagged stock population * \param Addition is the AgeBandMatrixRatioPtrVector that will be added to the tagged population * \param CI is the ConversionIndex that will convert between the length groups * \param area is an integer to denote the internal area of interest * \param ratio is a multiplicative constant applied */ void Add(const AgeBandMatrixRatioPtrVector& Addition, const ConversionIndex* const CI, int area, double ratio); /** * \brief This will return the prey information for the stock * \return prey */ StockPrey* getPrey() const; /** * \brief This will return the migration information for the stock * \return migration */ Migration* getMigration() const; /** * \brief This will return the predation information for the stock * \return predator */ PopPredator* getPredator() const; /** * \brief This will return the current population of the stock on a given area * \param area is the area identifier * \return alkeys, a AgeBandMatrix containing the population of the stock */ AgeBandMatrix& getCurrentALK(int area) { return Alkeys[this->areaNum(area)]; }; /** * \brief This will return the population of the stock on a given area at the start of the current timestep * \param area is the area identifier * \return alkeys, a AgeBandMatrix containing the population of the stock */ AgeBandMatrix& getConsumptionALK(int area); /** * \brief This will return the length group information for the stock * \return LgrpDiv */ const LengthGroupDivision* getLengthGroupDiv() const { return LgrpDiv; }; /** * \brief This function will initialise the stock and set-up links to any related stocks * \param stockvec is the StockPtrVector of all the available stocks */ void setStock(StockPtrVector& stockvec); /** * \brief This function will check to see if the age of the stock should be increased on the current timestep or not * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \return 1 if the age of the stock should be increased, 0 otherwise */ int isBirthday(const TimeClass* const TimeInfo) const; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock is eaten or not * \return flag */ int isEaten() const { return iseaten; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will spawn or not * \return flag */ int doesSpawn() const { return doesspawn; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will stray or not * \return flag */ int doesStray() const { return doesstray; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will move or not * \return flag */ int doesMove() const { return doesmove; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will eat or not * \return flag */ int doesEat() const { return doeseat; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will mature or not * \return flag */ int doesMature() const { return doesmature; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will renew or not * \return flag */ int doesRenew() const { return doesrenew; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will grow or not * \return flag */ int doesGrow() const { return doesgrow; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock will migrate or not * \return flag */ int doesMigrate() const { return doesmigrate; }; /** * \brief This function will return the flag used to denote whether the stock has been tagged or not * \return flag */ int isTagged() const { return istagged; }; /** * \brief This function will set the flag to denote that the stock has been tagged */ void setTaggedStock() { istagged = 1; }; /** * \brief This function will initialise the tagging experiments for the stock and any related stocks */ void setTagged(); /** * \brief This will return the minimum age of the stock * \return minimum age */ int minAge() const { return Alkeys[0].minAge(); }; /** * \brief This will return the maximum age of the stock * \return maximum age */ int maxAge() const { return Alkeys[0].maxAge(); }; /** * \brief This will return the total population size (in numbers) of the stock on a given area * \param area is the area identifier * \return population size */ double getTotalStockNumber(int area) const; /** * \brief This will return the total population size (in numbers) of the stock across all areas * \return population size */ double getTotalStockNumberAllAreas() const; /** * \brief This will return the total population biomass of the stock on a given area * \param area is the area identifier * \return population biomass */ double getTotalStockBiomass(int area) const; /** * \brief This will return the total population biomass of the stock across all areas * \return population biomass */ double getTotalStockBiomassAllAreas() const; /** * \brief This will return the stocks that this stock will mature in to * \return maturestocks, a StockPtrVector of the stocks that this stock will mature into */ const StockPtrVector& getMatureStocks(); /** * \brief This will return the stocks that this stock will move in to * \return transitionstocks, a StockPtrVector of the stocks that this stock will move into */ const StockPtrVector& getTransitionStocks(); /** * \brief This will return the stocks that this stock will stray in to * \return straystocks, a StockPtrVector of the stocks that this stock will stray into */ const StockPtrVector& getStrayStocks(); /** * \brief This function will add details for a new tagging experiment on the current stock * \param tagbyagelength is the AgeBandMatrixPtrVector of the new tagged population * \param newtag is the Tags for the new tagging experiment * \param tagloss is the proportion of tags that are lost for the new tagging experiment */ void addTags(AgeBandMatrixPtrVector* tagbyagelength, Tags* newtag, double tagloss); /** * \brief This function will remove a tagging experiment from the current tagged stock population * \param tagname is the name of the tagging experiment to be removed */ void deleteTags(const char* tagname); protected: /** * \brief This is the AgeBandMatrixPtrVector used to store information about the stock population */ AgeBandMatrixPtrVector Alkeys; /** * \brief This is the AgeBandMatrixRatioPtrVector used to store information about the tagged population from any tagging experiments performed on the stock */ AgeBandMatrixRatioPtrVector tagAlkeys; /** * \brief This is the TagPtrVector used to store information about the tagging experiments */ TagPtrVector allTags; /** * \brief This is the TagPtrVector used to store information about how the tagging experiments affect the population that mature */ TagPtrVector matureTags; /** * \brief This is the TagPtrVector used to store information about how the tagging experiments affect the population that move */ TagPtrVector transitionTags; /** * \brief This is the TagPtrVector used to store information about how the tagging experiments affect the population that stray */ TagPtrVector strayTags; /** * \brief This is the StrayData used to calculate information about the straying of the stock */ StrayData* stray; /** * \brief This is the SpawnData used to calculate information about the spawning of the stock */ SpawnData* spawner; /** * \brief This is the RenewalData used to calculate information about the renewal of the stock */ RenewalData* renewal; /** * \brief This is the Maturity used to calculate information about the maturation of the stock */ Maturity* maturity; /** * \brief This is the Transition used to calculate information about the movement of the stock */ Transition* transition; /** * \brief This is the Migration used to calculate information about the migration of the stock */ Migration* migration; /** * \brief This is the Prey used to calculate information about the consumption of the stock */ StockPrey* prey; /** * \brief This is the PopPredator used to calculate information about the consumption by the stock */ PopPredator* predator; /** * \brief This is the InitialCond used to calculate information about the initial conditions of the stock */ InitialCond* initial; /** * \brief This is the LengthGroupDivision used to store length information */ LengthGroupDivision* LgrpDiv; /** * \brief This is the Grower used to calculate information about the growth of the stock */ Grower* grower; /** * \brief This is the NaturalMortality used to calculate information about the natural mortality of the stock */ NaturalMortality* naturalm; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will eat (ie. is a Predator) or not */ int doeseat; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will move or not */ int doesmove; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock is eaten (ie. is a Prey) or not */ int iseaten; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will spawn or not */ int doesspawn; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will mature or not */ int doesmature; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will renew or not */ int doesrenew; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will grow or not */ int doesgrow; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will migrate or not */ int doesmigrate; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock will stray or not */ int doesstray; /** * \brief This is the timestep that the population will increase in age in the simulation * \note This is currently set to the last timestep in the year */ int birthdate; /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the stock has been included in a tagging experiment or not */ int istagged; /** * \brief This is the PopInfoMatrix used to temporarily store the population during the growth calculation */ PopInfoMatrix tmpPopulation; /** * \brief This is the PopInfoVector used to temporarily store the population during the migration calculation */ PopInfoVector tmpMigrate; }; #endif