#ifndef optinfo_h #define optinfo_h #include "maininfo.h" #include "doublematrix.h" #include "doublevector.h" #include "intvector.h" #include "seq_optimize_template.h" enum OptType { OPTHOOKE = 1, OPTSIMANN, OPTBFGS }; /** * \class OptInfo * \brief This is the base class used to perform the optimisation calculation for the model * * \note This will always be overridden by the derived classes that actually perform the optimisation calculation */ class OptInfo { public: /** * \brief This is the default OptInfo constructor */ OptInfo() { converge = 0; iters = 0; score = 0.0; }; /** * \brief This is the default OptInfo destructor */ ~OptInfo() {}; /** * \brief This is the function used to read in the optimisation parameters * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the optimisation parameters from * \param text is a text string used to compare parameter names */ virtual void read(CommentStream& infile, char* text) {}; /** * \brief This function will print information from the optimisation algorithm * \param outfile is the ofstream that the optimisation information gets sent to * \param prec is the precision to use in the output file */ virtual void Print(ofstream& outfile, int prec) {}; /** * \brief This is the function used to call the optimisation algorithms */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihood() {}; /** * \brief This is the function used to call the optimisation algorithms parallelized with OpenMP of the reproducible version */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihoodOMP() {}; /** * \brief This function set the seeds used in SA * \param val array of unsigned int with the seeds */ void setSeed(unsigned* val) {seed = val[0]; seedM = val[1]; seedP = val[2];}; /** * \brief This will return the type of optimisation class * \return type */ OptType getType() const { return type; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the flag used to denote whether the optimisation converged or not */ int converge; /** * \brief This is the number of iterations that took place during the optimisation */ int iters; /** * \brief This is the value of the best likelihood score from the optimisation */ double score; /** * \brief This denotes what type of optimisation class has been created */ OptType type; /** * \brief This is the seed used for the calculation of the new value of the parameters */ unsigned seed; /** * \brief This is the seed used for the acceptance of the metropolis */ unsigned seedM; /** * \brief This is the seed used to change the order of the parameters */ unsigned seedP; }; /** * \class OptInfoHooke * \brief This is the class used for the Hooke & Jeeves optimisation * * The Hooke & Jeeves optimisation is the default optimisation, and is a simple and fast optimising method, but somewhat unreliable, which is often described as a "hill climbing" technique. From the initial starting point the algorithm takes a step in various directions, and conducts a new model run. If the new likelihood score is better than the old one then the algorithm uses the new point as it's best guess. If it is worse then the algorithm retains the old point. The search proceeds in series of these steps, each step slightly smaller than the previous one. When the algorithm finds a point which it cannot improve on with a small step in any direction then it accepts this point as being the "solution", and exits. It is recommended that you re-run the optimisation, using the final point of one run as the start of the next. * * The Hooke & Jeeves algorithm used in Gadget is derived from that originally presented by R. Hooke and T. A. Jeeves, ''Direct Search Solution of Numerical and Statistical Problems'' in the April 1961 (Vol. 8, pp. 212-229) issue of the Journal of the ACM, with improvements presented by Arthur F Kaupe Jr., ''Algorithm 178: Direct Search'' in the June 1963 (Vol 6, pp.313-314) issue of the Communications of the ACM. */ class OptInfoHooke : public OptInfo { public: /** * \brief This is the default OptInfoHooke constructor */ OptInfoHooke(); /** * \brief This is the default OptInfoHooke destructor */ virtual ~OptInfoHooke() {}; /** * \brief This is the function used to read in the Hooke & Jeeves parameters * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the optimisation parameters from * \param text is a text string used to compare parameter names */ virtual void read(CommentStream& infile, char* text); /** * \brief This function will print information from the optimisation algorithm * \param outfile is the ofstream that the optimisation information gets sent to * \param prec is the precision to use in the output file */ virtual void Print(ofstream& outfile, int prec); /** * \brief This is the function that will calculate the likelihood score using the Hooke & Jeeves optimiser */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihood(); #ifdef GADGET_OPENMP /** * \brief This is the function that will calculate the likelihood score using the Hooke & Jeeves optimiser parallelized with the reproducible version implemented OpenMP */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihoodOMP(); #endif private: /** * \brief This function will calculate the best point that can be found close to the current point * \param delta is the DoubleVector of the steps to take when looking for the best point * \param point is the DoubleVector that will contain the parameters corresponding to the best function value found from the search * \param prevbest is the current best point value * \param param is the IntVector containing the order that the parameters should be searched in * \return the best function value found from the search */ double bestNearby(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param); /** * \brief This function implemented the reproducible version with OpenMP will calculate the best point that can be found close to the current point * \param delta is the DoubleVector of the steps to take when looking for the best point * \param point is the DoubleVector that will contain the parameters corresponding to the best function value found from the search * \param prevbest is the current best point value * \param param is the IntVector containing the order that the parameters should be searched in * \return the best function value found from the search */ double bestNearbyOMP(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param); /** * \brief This function implemented the speculative version with OpenMP will calculate the best point that can be found close to the current point * \param delta is the DoubleVector of the steps to take when looking for the best point * \param point is the DoubleVector that will contain the parameters corresponding to the best function value found from the search * \param prevbest is the current best point value * \param param is the IntVector containing the order that the parameters should be searched in * \return the best function value found from the search */ double bestNearbyOMP2(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param); /** * \brief This is the maximum number of iterations for the Hooke & Jeeves optimisation */ int hookeiter; /** * \brief This is the reduction factor for the step length */ double rho; /** * \brief This is the initial step length */ double lambda; /** * \brief This is the minimum step length, use as the halt criteria for the optimisation process */ double hookeeps; /** * \brief This is the limit when checking if a parameter is stuck on the bound */ double bndcheck; }; /** * \class OptInfoSimann * \brief This is the class used for the Simualted Annealing optimisation * * Simulated Annealing is a global optimisation method that distinguishes different local optima. Starting from an initial point, the algorithm takes a step and the function is evaluated. When minimizing a function, any downhill step is accepted and the process repeats from this new point. An uphill step may be accepted (thus, it can escape from local optima). This uphill decision is made by the Metropolis criteria. It uses a parameter known as "temperature" and the size of the uphill step in a probabilistic manner, and varying the temperature will affect the number of the uphill moves that are accepted. As the optimisation process proceeds, the length of the steps decline and the algorithm closes in on the global optimum. * * The Simulated Annealing algorithm used in Gadget is derived from that presented by Corana et al, ''Minimising Multimodal Functions of Continuous Variables with the 'Simulated Annealing' Algorithm'' in the September 1987 (Vol. 13, pp. 262-280) issue of the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software and Goffe et al, ''Global Optimisation of Statistical Functions with Simulated Annealing'' in the January/February 1994 (Vol. 60, pp. 65-100) issue of the Journal of Econometrics. */ class OptInfoSimann : public OptInfo { public: /** * \brief This is the default OptInfoSimann constructor */ OptInfoSimann(); /** * \brief This is the default OptInfoSimann destructor */ virtual ~OptInfoSimann() {}; /** * \brief This is the function used to read in the Simulated Annealing parameters * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the optimisation parameters from * \param text is a text string used to compare parameter names */ virtual void read(CommentStream& infile, char* text); /** * \brief This function will print information from the optimisation algorithm * \param outfile is the ofstream that the optimisation information gets sent to * \param prec is the precision to use in the output file */ virtual void Print(ofstream& outfile, int prec); /** * \brief This is the function that will calculate the likelihood score using the Simulated Annealing optimiser */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihood(); #ifdef GADGET_OPENMP /** * \brief This is the function that will calculate the likelihood score using the Simulated Annealing optimiser parallelized with the reproducible version implemented OpenMP */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihoodOMP(); #endif /** * \brief This function calculate a new valor for the parameter l * \param nvars the number of variables to be optimised * \param l the parameter to change * \param param IntVector with the order of the parameters * \param trialx DoubleVector that storage the values of the parameters to evaluate during this iteration * \param x DoubleVector that storage the best values of the parameters * \param lowerb DoubleVector with the lower bounds of the variables to be optimised * \param upperb DoubleVector with the upper bounds of the variables to be optimised * \param vm DoubleVector with the value for the maximum step length for each parameter */ virtual void newValue(int nvars, int l, IntVector& param, DoubleVector& trialx, DoubleVector& x, DoubleVector& lowerb, DoubleVector& upperb, DoubleVector& vm); private: /** * \brief This is the temperature reduction factor */ double rt; /** * \brief This is the halt criteria for the Simulated Annealing algorithm */ double simanneps; /** * \brief This is the number of loops before the step length is adjusted */ int ns; /** * \brief This is the number of loops before the temperature is adjusted */ int nt; /** * \brief This is the "temperature" used for the Simulated Annealing algorithm */ double t; /** * \brief This is the factor used to adjust the step length */ double cs; /** * \brief This is the initial value for the maximum step length */ double vminit; /** * \brief This is the maximum number of function evaluations for the Simulated Annealing optimiation */ int simanniter; /** * \brief This is the upper bound when adjusting the step length */ double uratio; /** * \brief This is the lower bound when adjusting the step length */ double lratio; /** * \brief This is the number of temperature loops to check when testing for convergence */ int tempcheck; /** * \brief This is the flag to denote whether the parameters should be scaled or not (default 0, not scale) */ int scale; }; /** * \class OptInfoBFGS * \brief This is the class used for the BFGS optimisation * * BFGS is a quasi-Newton global optimisation method that uses information about the gradient of the function at the current point to calculate the best direction to look in to find a better point. Using this information, the BFGS algorithm can iteratively calculate a better approximation to the inverse Hessian matrix, which will lead to a better approximation of the minimum value. From an initial starting point, the gradient of the function is calculated and then the algorithm uses this information to calculate the best direction to perform a linesearch for a point that is ''sufficiently better''. The linesearch that is used in Gadget to look for a better point in this direction is the ''Armijo'' linesearch. The algorithm will then adjust the current estimate of the inverse Hessian matrix, and restart from this new point. If a better point cannot be found, then the inverse Hessian matrix is reset and the algorithm restarts from the last accepted point. * * The BFGS algorithm used in Gadget is derived from that presented by Dimitri P Bertsekas, ''Nonlinear Programming'' (2nd edition, pp22-61) published by Athena Scientific. */ class OptInfoBFGS : public OptInfo { public: /** * \brief This is the default OptInfoBFGS constructor */ OptInfoBFGS(); /** * \brief This is the default OptInfoBFGS destructor */ ~OptInfoBFGS() {}; /** * \brief This is the function used to read in the BFGS parameters * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the optimisation parameters from * \param text is a text string used to compare parameter names */ virtual void read(CommentStream& infile, char* text); /** * \brief This function will print information from the optimisation algorithm * \param outfile is the ofstream that the optimisation information gets sent to * \param prec is the precision to use in the output file */ virtual void Print(ofstream& outfile, int prec); /** * \brief This is the function that will calculate the likelihood score using the BFGS optimiser */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihood(); #ifdef GADGET_OPENMP /** * \brief This function call the sequential function. BFGS isn't implemented with OpenMP */ virtual void OptimiseLikelihoodOMP(); #endif private: /** * \brief This function will numerically calculate the gradient of the function at the current point * \param point is the DoubleVector that contains the parameters corresponding to the current function value * \param pointvalue is the current function value * \param newgrad is the DoubleVector that will contain the gradient vector for the current point */ void gradient(DoubleVector& point, double pointvalue, DoubleVector& newgrad); /** * \brief This function will calculate the smallest eigenvalue of the inverse Hessian matrix * \param M is the DoubleMatrix containing the inverse Hessian matrix * \return the smallest eigen value of the matrix */ double getSmallestEigenValue(DoubleMatrix M); /** * \brief This is the maximum number of function evaluations for the BFGS optimiation */ int bfgsiter; /** * \brief This is the halt criteria for the BFGS algorithm */ double bfgseps; /** * \brief This is the adjustment factor in the Armijo linesearch */ double beta; /** * \brief This is the halt criteria for the Armijo linesearch */ double sigma; /** * \brief This is the initial step size for the Armijo linesearch */ double step; /** * \brief This is the accuracy term used when calculating the gradient */ double gradacc; /** * \brief This is the factor used to adjust the gradient accuracy term */ double gradstep; /** * \brief This is the halt criteria for the gradient accuracy term */ double gradeps; }; #endif