#include "maininfo.h" #include "errorhandler.h" #include "gadget.h" #include "runid.h" #include "global.h" void MainInfo::showCorrectUsage(char* error) { RUNID.Print(cerr); cerr << "\nError in command line value - unrecognised option " << error << endl << "Common options are -l or -s, -i -o \n" << "For more information try running Gadget with the -h switch\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void MainInfo::showUsage() { RUNID.Print(cout); cout << "\nOptions for running Gadget:\n" << " -l perform a likelihood (optimising) model run\n" << " -s perform a single (simulation) model run\n" << " -n perform a network run (using paramin)\n" << " -v --version display version information and exit\n" << " -h --help display this help screen and exit\n" #ifdef _OPENMP << " -parallel