#include "maininfo.h" #include "errorhandler.h" #include "gadget.h" #include "runid.h" #include "global.h" void MainInfo::showCorrectUsage(char* error) { RUNID.Print(cerr); cerr << "\nError in command line value - unrecognised option " << error << endl << "Common options are -l or -s, -i -o \n" << "For more information try running Gadget with the -h switch\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void MainInfo::showUsage() { RUNID.Print(cout); cout << "\nOptions for running Gadget:\n" << " -l perform a likelihood (optimising) model run\n" << " -s perform a single (simulation) model run\n" << " -n perform a network run (using paramin)\n" << " -v --version display version information and exit\n" << " -h --help display this help screen and exit\n" << "\nOptions for specifying the input to Gadget models:\n" << " -i read model parameters from \n" << " -opt read optimising parameters from \n" << " -main read model information from \n" << " (default filename is 'main')\n" << " -m read other commandline parameters from \n" << "\nOptions for specifying the output from Gadget models:\n" << " -p print final model parameters to \n" << " (default filename is 'params.out')\n" << " -o print likelihood output to \n" << " -print print -o output every iterations\n" << " -precision set the precision to in output files\n" << "\nOptions for debugging Gadget models:\n" << " -log print logging information to \n" << " -printinitial print initial model information to \n" << " -printfinal print final model information to \n" << "\nFor more information see the Gadget web page at http://www.hafro.is/gadget\n\n"; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } MainInfo::MainInfo() : givenOptInfo(0), givenInitialParam(0), runoptimise(0), runomp(0), runstochastic(0), runnetwork(0), runprint(1), forceprint(0), printInitialInfo(0), printFinalInfo(0), printLogLevel(0), maxratio(0.95) { char tmpname[10]; strncpy(tmpname, "", 10); strcpy(tmpname, "main"); strOptInfoFile = NULL; strInitialParamFile = NULL; strPrintInitialFile = NULL; strPrintFinalFile = NULL; strMainGadgetFile = NULL; setMainGadgetFile(tmpname); } MainInfo::~MainInfo() { if (strOptInfoFile != NULL) { delete[] strOptInfoFile; strOptInfoFile = NULL; } if (strInitialParamFile != NULL) { delete[] strInitialParamFile; strInitialParamFile = NULL; } if (strPrintInitialFile != NULL) { delete[] strPrintInitialFile; strPrintInitialFile = NULL; } if (strPrintFinalFile != NULL) { delete[] strPrintFinalFile; strPrintFinalFile = NULL; } if (strMainGadgetFile != NULL) { delete[] strMainGadgetFile; strMainGadgetFile = NULL; } if (seed != NULL) { delete[] seed; seed = NULL; } } void MainInfo::read(int aNumber, char* const aVector[]) { if (aNumber == 1) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning - no command line options specified, using default values"); return; } seed = new unsigned[3]; seed[0] = 0; seed[1] = 0; seed[2] = 0; int k = 1; while (k < aNumber) { if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-l") == 0) { runoptimise = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-n") == 0) { runnetwork = 1; #ifndef GADGET_NETWORK handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - Gadget cannot currently run in network mode for paramin\nGadget must be recompiled to enable the network communication"); #endif } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-s") == 0) { runstochastic = 1; //FIXME }else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-omp") == 0) { runomp = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-m") == 0) { ifstream infile; CommentStream incomment(infile); if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; infile.open(aVector[k], ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(infile, aVector[k]); if (infile.fail()) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); this->read(incomment); infile.close(); infile.clear(); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-i") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; this->setInitialParamFile(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-o") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; printinfo.setOutputFile(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-p") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; printinfo.setParamOutFile(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-forceprint") == 0) { forceprint = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-co") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "The -co switch is no longer supported"); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-printinitial") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; this->setPrintInitialFile(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-printfinal") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; this->setPrintFinalFile(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-main") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; this->setMainGadgetFile(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-opt") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; this->setOptInfoFile(aVector[k]); } else if ((strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-printlikelihood") == 0) || (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-likelihoodprint") == 0)) { handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "The -printlikelihood switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a likelihoodprinter class in the model print file instead"); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-printlikesummary") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "The -printlikesummary switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a likelihoodsummaryprinter class in the model print file instead"); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-printonelikelihood") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "The -printonelikelihood switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a likelihoodprinter class in the model print file instead"); } else if ((strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-print") == 0) || (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-print1") == 0)) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; printinfo.setPrintIteration(atoi(aVector[k])); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-precision") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; printinfo.setPrecision(atoi(aVector[k])); } else if ((strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-v") == 0) || (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "--version") == 0)) { RUNID.Print(cout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if ((strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-h") == 0) || (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "--help") == 0)) { this->showUsage(); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-log") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; handle.setLogFile(aVector[k]); printLogLevel = 5; } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-nowarnings") == 0) { //handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "The -nowarnings switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a logging level using the -loglevel instead"); printLogLevel = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-loglevel") == 0) { if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; printLogLevel = atoi(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-noprint") == 0) { //JMB disable model printing from the commandline runprint = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-seed") == 0) { //JMB experimental setting of random number seed from the commandline //if the "seed" is also specified in the optinfo file then that will override //any seed that is specified on the commandline if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; seed[0] = atoi(aVector[k]); srand(seed[0]); //FIXME } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-seedM") == 0) { //JMB experimental setting of random number seed from the commandline //if the "seed" is also specified in the optinfo file then that will override //any seed that is specified on the commandline if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; seed[1] = atoi(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-seedP") == 0) { //JMB experimental setting of random number seed from the commandline //if the "seed" is also specified in the optinfo file then that will override //any seed that is specified on the commandline if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; seed[2] = atoi(aVector[k]); } else if (strcasecmp(aVector[k], "-maxratio") == 0) { //JMB experimental setting of maximum ratio of stock consumed in one timestep if (k == aNumber - 1) this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; maxratio = atof(aVector[k]); } else this->showCorrectUsage(aVector[k]); k++; } if (seed[0] == 0) { seed[0] = unsigned(time(NULL)); if (seed[1] == 0) seed[1] = unsigned(time(NULL)); if (seed[2] == 0) seed[2] = unsigned(time(NULL)); } else { if (seed[1] == 0) seed[1] = seed[0]; if (seed[2] == 0) seed[2] = seed[0]; } } void MainInfo::checkUsage(const char* const inputdir, const char* const workingdir) { int check = 0; if (runnetwork) check = max(0, printLogLevel); else if (runstochastic) check = max(3, printLogLevel); else check = max(2, printLogLevel); handle.setLogLevel(check); //JMB dont print output if doing a network run if (!runnetwork) RUNID.Print(cout); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Starting Gadget from directory:", workingdir); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "using data from directory:", inputdir); handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, ""); //write a blank line to the log file if (strcasecmp(inputdir, workingdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning - working directory different from input directory"); if (runnetwork) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\n** Gadget running in network mode for Paramin **"); if (printInitialInfo) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Warning - cannot print initial model information"); printInitialInfo = 0; } if (printFinalInfo) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Warning - cannot print final model information"); printFinalInfo = 0; } } //JMB check to see if we can actually open required files ... ifstream tmpin; if (chdir(inputdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change input directory to", inputdir); if (givenInitialParam) { //JMB check to see that the input and output filenames are different //Otherwise Gadget will over-write the inputfile with a blank outputfile ... if (strcasecmp(strInitialParamFile, printinfo.getParamOutFile()) == 0) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "the parameter input and output filenames are the same"); tmpin.open(strInitialParamFile, ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(tmpin, strInitialParamFile); tmpin.close(); tmpin.clear(); } if (givenOptInfo) { tmpin.open(strOptInfoFile, ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(tmpin, strOptInfoFile); tmpin.close(); tmpin.clear(); } ofstream tmpout; if (chdir(workingdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change working directory to", workingdir); if (printInitialInfo) { tmpout.open(strPrintInitialFile, ios::out); handle.checkIfFailure(tmpout, strPrintInitialFile); tmpout.close(); tmpout.clear(); } if (printFinalInfo) { tmpout.open(strPrintFinalFile, ios::out); handle.checkIfFailure(tmpout, strPrintFinalFile); tmpout.close(); tmpout.clear(); } printinfo.checkPrintInfo(runnetwork); //JMB check the value of maxratio if ((maxratio < rathersmall) || (maxratio > 1.0)) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning - value of maxratio outside bounds", maxratio); maxratio = 0.95; } if ((!runstochastic) && (runnetwork)) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "\nWarning - Gadget for the paramin network should be used with -s option\nGadget will now set the -s switch to perform a simulation run"); runstochastic = 1; } if ((runstochastic) && (runoptimise)) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "\nWarning - Gadget has been started with both the -s switch and the -l switch\nHowever, it is not possible to do both a simulation run and a likelihood run!\nGadget will perform only the simulation run (and ignore the -l switch)"); runoptimise = 0; } if ((!runstochastic) && (!runoptimise)) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "\nWarning - Gadget has been started without either the -s switch or the -l switch\nGadget will now set the -s switch to perform a simulation run"); runstochastic = 1; } handle.setRunOptimise(runoptimise); if ((printLogLevel == 1) && (!runoptimise)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "\n** Gadget cannot disable warnings for a simulation run **"); if ((handle.checkLogFile()) && (runoptimise) && (printLogLevel >= 5)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "\n** logging model information from a Gadget optimisation is not recommended **"); if ((handle.checkLogFile()) && (runnetwork)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "\n** logging model information from a Gadget network run is not recommended **"); //check the printing options if (forceprint) handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "\nPrinting model output has been enabled from the command line"); if (!runprint) handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "\nPrinting model output has been disabled from the command line"); check = runprint; if (runnetwork) check = 0; else if ((runoptimise) && (!forceprint)) check = 0; runprint = check; handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, ""); //write blank line to log file } void MainInfo::read(CommentStream& infile) { int dummy = 0; char text[MaxStrLength]; strncpy(text, "", MaxStrLength); infile >> ws; while (!infile.eof()) { infile >> text >> ws; if (strcasecmp(text, "-i") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; this->setInitialParamFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-o") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; printinfo.setOutputFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-co") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "The -co switch is no longer supported"); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-p") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; printinfo.setParamOutFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-main") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; this->setMainGadgetFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-printinitial") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; this->setPrintInitialFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-printfinal") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; this->setPrintFinalFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-opt") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; this->setOptInfoFile(text); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-forceprint") == 0) { forceprint = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-noprint") == 0) { runprint = 0; } else if ((strcasecmp(text, "-print") == 0) || (strcasecmp(text, "-print1") == 0)) { infile >> dummy >> ws; printinfo.setPrintIteration(dummy); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-precision") == 0) { infile >> dummy >> ws; printinfo.setPrecision(dummy); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-log") == 0) { infile >> text >> ws; handle.setLogFile(text); printLogLevel = 5; } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-nowarnings") == 0) { printLogLevel = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-loglevel") == 0) { infile >> printLogLevel >> ws; } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-seed") == 0) { infile >> dummy >> ws; srand(dummy); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-maxratio") == 0) { infile >> maxratio >> ws; } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-printlikesummary") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "The -printlikesummary switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a likelihoodsummaryprinter class in the model print file instead"); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-printlikelihood") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "The -printlikelihood switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a likelihoodprinter class in the model print file instead"); } else if (strcasecmp(text, "-printonelikelihood") == 0) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "The -printonelikelihood switch is no longer supported\nSpecify a likelihoodprinter class in the model print file instead"); } else this->showCorrectUsage(text); } } void MainInfo::setPrintInitialFile(char* filename) { if (strPrintInitialFile != NULL) { delete[] strPrintInitialFile; strPrintInitialFile = NULL; } strPrintInitialFile = new char[strlen(filename) + 1]; strcpy(strPrintInitialFile, filename); printInitialInfo = 1; } void MainInfo::setPrintFinalFile(char* filename) { if (strPrintFinalFile != NULL) { delete[] strPrintFinalFile; strPrintFinalFile = NULL; } strPrintFinalFile = new char[strlen(filename) + 1]; strcpy(strPrintFinalFile, filename); printFinalInfo = 1; } void MainInfo::setMainGadgetFile(char* filename) { if (strMainGadgetFile != NULL) { delete[] strMainGadgetFile; strMainGadgetFile = NULL; } strMainGadgetFile = new char[strlen(filename) + 1]; strcpy(strMainGadgetFile, filename); } void MainInfo::setInitialParamFile(char* filename) { if (strInitialParamFile != NULL) { delete[] strInitialParamFile; strInitialParamFile = NULL; } strInitialParamFile = new char[strlen(filename) + 1]; strcpy(strInitialParamFile, filename); givenInitialParam = 1; } void MainInfo::setOptInfoFile(char* filename) { if (strOptInfoFile != NULL) { delete[] strOptInfoFile; strOptInfoFile = NULL; } strOptInfoFile = new char[strlen(filename) + 1]; strcpy(strOptInfoFile, filename); givenOptInfo = 1; }