#ifndef initialcond_h #define initialcond_h #include "formulamatrixptrvector.h" #include "areatime.h" #include "conversionindex.h" #include "commentstream.h" #include "agebandmatrixptrvector.h" #include "livesonareas.h" #include "keeper.h" /** * \class InitialCond * \brief This is the class used to calculate the initial population of a stock * * This class calculates the initial population for a model run. There are 2 ways to do this - either by specifying a normal distribution or by specifying the actual population to be used. * * For the normal distribution, Gadget will calculate a length distribution for a population of 10,000 fish for each age group, which will then be multiplied by age and area factors to give the initial population. * * For the numbers, Gadget will read a list of the population in each age-length cell for each area. * * The initial weight for each age-length cell will be set to the reference weight, multiplied by a conditioning factor. */ class InitialCond : public HasName, protected LivesOnAreas { public: /** * \brief This is the InitialCond constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the initial conditions data from * \param areas is the IntVector of areas that the initial population will be calculated on * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param refWeightFile is the name of the reference weight file * \param givenname is the name of the stock for this InitialCond class * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param DL is the step length of the length groups of the stock */ InitialCond(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& areas, Keeper* const keeper, const char* refWeightFile, const char* givenname, const AreaClass* const Area, double DL); /** * \brief This is the default InitialCond destructor */ ~InitialCond(); /** * \brief This function will set the initial population of the stock to that specified in the initial conditions file * \param Alkeys is the AgeBandMatrixPtrVector that will contain the initial population of the stock */ void Initialise(AgeBandMatrixPtrVector& Alkeys); /** * \brief This will set the ConversionIndex required for to calculate the initial conditions * \param GivenLDiv is the LengthGroupDivision for the stock */ void setCI(const LengthGroupDivision* const GivenLDiv); /** * \brief This function will print the initial population * \param outfile is the ofstream that all the model information gets sent to */ void Print(ofstream& outfile) const; protected: /** * \brief This is the function used to read the normal distribution and condition factor for the initial condtion data * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the initial conditions data from * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param numage is the number of age groups for the initial population * \param minage is the minimum age for the initial population * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model */ void readNormalConditionData(CommentStream& infile, Keeper* const keeper, int numage, int minage, const AreaClass* const Area); /** * \brief This is the function used to read the normal distribution for the initial condtion data * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the initial conditions data from * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param numage is the number of age groups for the initial population * \param minage is the minimum age for the initial population * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model */ void readNormalParameterData(CommentStream& infile, Keeper* const keeper, int numage, int minage, const AreaClass* const Area); /** * \brief This is the function used to read the numbers of the initial population * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the initial conditions data from * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param numage is the number of age groups for the initial population * \param minage is the minimum age for the initial population * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model */ void readNumberData(CommentStream& infile, Keeper* const keeper, int numage, int minage, const AreaClass* const Area); /** * \brief This is the LengthGroupDivision of the initial population of the stock */ LengthGroupDivision* LgrpDiv; /** * \brief This is the ConversionIndex used to convert from the initial population LengthGroupDivision to the stock LengthGroupDivision */ ConversionIndex* CI; /** * \brief This is the AgeBandMatrixPtrVector used to store the initial population */ AgeBandMatrixPtrVector initialPop; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrixPtrVector that contains the number (from the input file) of the initial population */ FormulaMatrixPtrVector initialNumber; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the area factor used to calculate the initial population */ FormulaMatrix areaFactor; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the age factor used to calculate the initial population */ FormulaMatrix ageFactor; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the condition factor used to calculate the weight of the initial population */ FormulaMatrix relCond; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the mean length at age used to calculate the initial population */ FormulaMatrix meanLength; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the standard deviation of the length at age used to calculate the initial population */ FormulaMatrix sdevLength; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the alpha parameter used when calculating the length weight relationship */ FormulaMatrix alpha; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrix of the beta parameter used when calculating the length weight relationship */ FormulaMatrix beta; /** * \brief This is the optional factor used when calculating the standard deviation of the length */ Formula sdevMult; /** * \brief This is the DoubleVector of the reference weight values */ DoubleVector refWeight; /** * \brief This is the identifier of the function to be used to read the initial population data from file */ int readoption; }; #endif