#include "initialcond.h" #include "errorhandler.h" #include "readfunc.h" #include "readword.h" #include "mathfunc.h" #include "gadget.h" #include "global.h" void InitialCond::readNormalConditionData(CommentStream& infile, Keeper* const keeper, int numage, int minage, const AreaClass* const Area) { int noareas = areas.Size(); int i, age, area, ageid, areaid, tmparea, keepdata, count, reject; char c; //Resize the matrices to hold the data areaFactor.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); ageFactor.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); meanLength.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); sdevLength.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); relCond.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); //Find the start of the data in the following format //age - area - agedist - areadist - meanlen - standdev - relcond infile >> ws; if (countColumns(infile) != 7) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "wrong number of columns in inputfile - should be 7"); area = age = ageid = count = reject = 0; keeper->addString("meandata"); while (!infile.eof()) { //crude check to see if something has gone wrong and avoid infinite loops if (!(isdigit(infile.peek()))) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "failed to read data from file"); keepdata = 1; infile >> age >> area >> ws; //crude age data check - perhaps there should be a better check? if ((age < minage) || (age >= (numage + minage))) keepdata = 0; else ageid = age - minage; //crude area data check areaid = -1; tmparea = Area->getInnerArea(area); for (i = 0; i < noareas; i++) if (areas[i] == tmparea) areaid = i; if (areaid == -1) keepdata = 0; if (keepdata == 1) { //initial data is required, so store it count++; infile >> ageFactor[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> areaFactor[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> meanLength[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> sdevLength[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> relCond[areaid][ageid] >> ws; } else { //initial data not required - skip rest of line reject++; infile.get(c); while (c != '\n' && !infile.eof()) infile.get(c); infile >> ws; } } if (count == 0) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - found no data in the data file"); else if (count < (noareas * numage)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - missing entries from data file"); else if (count > (noareas * numage)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - repeated entries in data file"); if (reject != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Discarded invalid initial conditions data - number of invalid entries", reject); handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Read initial conditions data file - number of entries", count); areaFactor.Inform(keeper); ageFactor.Inform(keeper); meanLength.Inform(keeper); sdevLength.Inform(keeper); relCond.Inform(keeper); keeper->clearLast(); } void InitialCond::readNormalParameterData(CommentStream& infile, Keeper* const keeper, int numage, int minage, const AreaClass* const Area) { int noareas = areas.Size(); int i, age, area, ageid, areaid, tmparea, keepdata, count, reject; char c; //Resize the matrices to hold the data areaFactor.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); ageFactor.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); meanLength.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); sdevLength.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); alpha.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); beta.AddRows(noareas, numage, 0.0); //Find the start of the data in the following format //age - area - agedist - areadist - meanlen - standdev - alpha - beta infile >> ws; if (countColumns(infile) != 8) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "wrong number of columns in inputfile - should be 8"); area = age = ageid = count = reject = 0; keeper->addString("meandata"); while (!infile.eof()) { //crude check to see if something has gone wrong and avoid infinite loops if (!(isdigit(infile.peek()))) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "failed to read data from file"); keepdata = 1; infile >> age >> area >> ws; //crude age data check - perhaps there should be a better check? if ((age < minage) || (age >= (numage + minage))) keepdata = 0; else ageid = age - minage; //crude area data check areaid = -1; tmparea = Area->getInnerArea(area); for (i = 0; i < noareas; i++) if (areas[i] == tmparea) areaid = i; if (areaid == -1) keepdata = 0; if (keepdata == 1) { //initial data is required, so store it count++; infile >> ageFactor[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> areaFactor[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> meanLength[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> sdevLength[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> alpha[areaid][ageid] >> ws; infile >> beta[areaid][ageid] >> ws; } else { //initial data not required - skip rest of line reject++; infile.get(c); while (c != '\n' && !infile.eof()) infile.get(c); infile >> ws; } } if (count == 0) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - found no data in the data file"); else if (count < (noareas * numage)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - missing entries from data file"); else if (count > (noareas * numage)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - repeated entries in data file"); if (reject != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Discarded invalid initial conditions data - number of invalid entries", reject); handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Read initial conditions data file - number of entries", count); areaFactor.Inform(keeper); ageFactor.Inform(keeper); meanLength.Inform(keeper); sdevLength.Inform(keeper); alpha.Inform(keeper); beta.Inform(keeper); keeper->clearLast(); } void InitialCond::readNumberData(CommentStream& infile, Keeper* const keeper, int numage, int minage, const AreaClass* const Area) { int i, age, area, tmparea, count, reject; int keepdata, areaid, lengthid; double length; char c; int noareas = areas.Size(); int numlen = LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); //initialise things for (areaid = 0; areaid < noareas; areaid++) { initialNumber.resize(new FormulaMatrix(numage, numlen, 0.0)); initialPop[areaid].setToZero(); } //Find the start of the data in the following format //area - age - meanlength - number - weight infile >> ws; if (countColumns(infile) != 5) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "wrong number of columns in inputfile - should be 5"); area = age = count = reject = 0; keeper->addString("numberdata"); while (!infile.eof()) { //crude check to see if something has gone wrong and avoid infinite loops if (!(isdigit(infile.peek()))) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "failed to read data from file"); keepdata = 1; infile >> area >> age >> length >> ws; //crude area data check areaid = -1; tmparea = Area->getInnerArea(area); for (i = 0; i < noareas; i++) if (areas[i] == tmparea) areaid = i; if (areaid == -1) keepdata = 0; //crude age data check - perhaps there should be a better check? if ((age < minage) || (age >= (numage + minage))) keepdata = 0; //crude length data check lengthid = -1; for (i = 0; i < numlen; i++) if (isEqual(length, LgrpDiv->minLength(i))) lengthid = i; //OK the length doesnt match a minimum length so find the length group it is in if ((lengthid == -1) && (length > LgrpDiv->minLength()) && (length < LgrpDiv->maxLength())) { for (i = 1; i < numlen; i++) { if (length < LgrpDiv->minLength(i)) { lengthid = i - 1; break; } } if (lengthid == -1) lengthid = numlen - 1; //then this must be the last length group } if (lengthid == -1) keepdata = 0; if (keepdata == 1) { //initial data is required, so store it infile >> (*initialNumber[areaid])[age - minage][lengthid] >> ws; infile >> initialPop[areaid][age][lengthid].W >> ws; count++; } else { //initial data not required - skip rest of line reject++; infile.get(c); while (c != '\n' && !infile.eof()) infile.get(c); infile >> ws; } } for (i = 0; i < initialNumber.Size(); i++) (*initialNumber[i]).Inform(keeper); if (count == 0) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - found no data in the data file"); else if (count < (noareas * numage * numlen)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - missing entries from data file"); else if (count > (noareas * numage * numlen)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - repeated entries in data file"); if (reject != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Discarded invalid initial conditions data - number of invalid entries", reject); handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Read initial conditions data file - number of entries", count); keeper->clearLast(); } InitialCond::InitialCond(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, Keeper* const keeper, const char* refWeightFile, const char* givenname, const AreaClass* const Area, double DL) : HasName(givenname), LivesOnAreas(Areas), LgrpDiv(0), CI(0) { ifstream subfile; CommentStream subcomment(subfile); char text[MaxStrLength]; strncpy(text, "", MaxStrLength); int i, j, k; int minage, maxage; char c; double minlength, maxlength, dl; keeper->addString("initialcond"); infile >> ws; c = infile.peek(); if ((c == 'n') || (c == 'N')) infile >> text >> ws; //read in the word 'numbers' if it exists readWordAndVariable(infile, "minage", minage); readWordAndVariable(infile, "maxage", maxage); readWordAndVariable(infile, "minlength", minlength); readWordAndVariable(infile, "maxlength", maxlength); int numage = maxage - minage + 1; //JMB - changed to make the reading of dl optional //if it isnt specifed here, it will default to the dl value of the stock infile >> ws; c = infile.peek(); if ((c == 'd') || (c == 'D')) readWordAndVariable(infile, "dl", dl); else dl = DL; LgrpDiv = new LengthGroupDivision(minlength, maxlength, dl); if (LgrpDiv->Error()) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - failed to create length group"); //read the standard deviation multiplier - default to 1.0 keeper->addString("sdevmultiplier"); infile >> ws; c = infile.peek(); if ((c == 's') || (c == 'S')) readWordAndVariable(infile, "sdev", sdevMult); else sdevMult.setValue(1.0); sdevMult.Inform(keeper); keeper->clearLast(); //create the initialPop object of the correct size PopInfo tmppop; tmppop.N = 1.0; PopInfoMatrix popmatrix(numage, LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(), tmppop); initialPop.resize(areas.Size(), minage, 0, popmatrix); infile >> text >> ws; if ((strcasecmp(text, "initstockfile") == 0) || (strcasecmp(text, "normalcondfile") == 0)) { //read initial data in mean length format, using the reference weight file readoption = 0; infile >> text >> ws; subfile.open(text, ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(subfile, text); handle.Open(text); this->readNormalConditionData(subcomment, keeper, numage, minage, Area); handle.Close(); subfile.close(); subfile.clear(); //read information on reference weights. DoubleMatrix tmpRefW; keeper->addString("referenceweights"); subfile.open(refWeightFile, ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(subfile, refWeightFile); handle.Open(refWeightFile); readRefWeights(subcomment, tmpRefW); handle.Close(); subfile.close(); subfile.clear(); //Interpolate the reference weights. First there are some error checks. if (LgrpDiv->meanLength(0) < tmpRefW[0][0] || LgrpDiv->meanLength(LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups() - 1) > tmpRefW[tmpRefW.Nrow() - 1][0]) handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "lengths for reference weights must span the range of initial condition lengths"); //Aggregate the reference weight data to be the same format double ratio, tmplen; refWeight.resize(LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(), 0.0); int pos = 0; for (j = 0; j < LgrpDiv->numLengthGroups(); j++) { tmplen = LgrpDiv->meanLength(j); for (i = pos; i < tmpRefW.Nrow() - 1; i++) { if (((tmplen > tmpRefW[i][0]) || (isEqual(tmplen, tmpRefW[i][0]))) && ((tmplen < tmpRefW[i + 1][0]) || (isEqual(tmplen, tmpRefW[i + 1][0])))) { ratio = (tmplen - tmpRefW[i][0]) / (tmpRefW[i + 1][0] - tmpRefW[i][0]); refWeight[j] = tmpRefW[i][1] + ratio * (tmpRefW[i + 1][1] - tmpRefW[i][1]); pos = i; } } } keeper->clearLast(); } else if ((strcasecmp(text, "normalparamfile") == 0)) { //read initial data in mean length format, using a length weight relationship readoption = 1; infile >> text >> ws; subfile.open(text, ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(subfile, text); handle.Open(text); this->readNormalParameterData(subcomment, keeper, numage, minage, Area); handle.Close(); subfile.close(); subfile.clear(); } else if ((strcasecmp(text, "numberfile") == 0)) { //read initial data in number format readoption = 2; infile >> text >> ws; subfile.open(text, ios::in); handle.checkIfFailure(subfile, text); handle.Open(text); this->readNumberData(subcomment, keeper, numage, minage, Area); handle.Close(); subfile.close(); subfile.clear(); } else handle.logFileMessage(LOGFAIL, "unrecognised initial conditions format", text); keeper->clearLast(); } InitialCond::~InitialCond() { int i; delete LgrpDiv; delete CI; for (i = 0; i < initialNumber.Size(); i++) delete initialNumber[i]; } void InitialCond::setCI(const LengthGroupDivision* const GivenLDiv) { if (!checkLengthGroupStructure(GivenLDiv, LgrpDiv)) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - invalid length group structure for stock", this->getName()); //check minimum and maximum lengths if (LgrpDiv->minLength() < GivenLDiv->minLength()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - minimum length less than stock length for stock", this->getName()); if (LgrpDiv->maxLength() > GivenLDiv->maxLength()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - maximum length greater than stock length for stock"), this->getName(); CI = new ConversionIndex(LgrpDiv, GivenLDiv); if (CI->Error()) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - error when checking length structure for stock", this->getName()); } void InitialCond::Print(ofstream& outfile) const { int i, j; outfile << "\nInitial conditions\n"; for (i = 0; i < areas.Size(); i++) { outfile << "\tInternal area " << areas[i] << endl; initialPop[i].printNumbers(outfile); } if ((readoption == 0) || (readoption == 1)) { //JMB print the multipliers that are used to scale the population outfile << "\tArea multipliers used to scale the population\n"; for (i = 0; i < areaFactor.Nrow(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < areaFactor.Ncol(i); j++) outfile << TAB << areaFactor[i][j]; outfile << endl; } outfile << "\tAge multipliers used to scale the population\n"; for (i = 0; i < ageFactor.Nrow(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < ageFactor.Ncol(i); j++) outfile << TAB << ageFactor[i][j]; outfile << endl; } } outfile << endl; outfile.flush(); } void InitialCond::Initialise(AgeBandMatrixPtrVector& Alkeys) { int area, age, l; int minage, maxage; double mult, scaler, dnorm; if (readoption == 0) { if (isZero(sdevMult)) //JMB this should never happen ... handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - multiplier for standard deviation is zero"); for (area = 0; area < areas.Size(); area++) { minage = initialPop[area].minAge(); maxage = initialPop[area].maxAge(); for (age = minage; age <= maxage; age++) { //JMB check that the length data is valid if (isZero(meanLength[area][age - minage]) || sdevLength[area][age - minage] < 0.04) { //JMB the limit has been set at 0.04 to keep the exponential calculation sane handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - invalid length data for stock", this->getName()); //JMB set the population to zero for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) initialPop[area][age][l].setToZero(); } else { //JMB check that the mean length is within the length group range if (meanLength[area][age - minage] < LgrpDiv->minLength()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - mean length is less than minimum length for stock", this->getName()); if (meanLength[area][age - minage] > LgrpDiv->maxLength()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - mean length is greater than maximum length for stock", this->getName()); scaler = 0.0; mult = 1.0 / (sdevLength[area][age - minage] * sdevMult); for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) { dnorm = (LgrpDiv->meanLength(l) - meanLength[area][age - minage]) * mult; initialPop[area][age][l].N = exp(-(dnorm * dnorm) * 0.5); scaler += initialPop[area][age][l].N; } if (isZero(scaler)) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial population - calculated zero population"); for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) initialPop[area][age][l].setToZero(); } else { scaler = 10000.0 / scaler; for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) { initialPop[area][age][l].N *= scaler; initialPop[area][age][l].W = refWeight[l] * relCond[area][age - minage]; if ((handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGWARN) && (isZero(initialPop[area][age][l].W)) && (initialPop[area][age][l].N > 0.0)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - zero mean weight for stock", this->getName()); } } } } } } else if (readoption == 1) { if (isZero(sdevMult)) //JMB this should never happen ... handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - multiplier for standard deviation is zero for stock", this->getName()); for (area = 0; area < areas.Size(); area++) { minage = initialPop[area].minAge(); maxage = initialPop[area].maxAge(); for (age = minage; age <= maxage; age++) { //JMB check that the length data is valid if (isZero(meanLength[area][age - minage]) || sdevLength[area][age - minage] < 0.04) { //JMB the limit has been set at 0.04 to keep the exponential calculation sane handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - invalid length data"); //JMB set the population to zero for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) initialPop[area][age][l].setToZero(); } else { //JMB check that the mean length is within the length group range if (meanLength[area][age - minage] < LgrpDiv->minLength()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - mean length is less than minimum length for stock", this->getName()); if (meanLength[area][age - minage] > LgrpDiv->maxLength()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - mean length is greater than maximum length for stock", this->getName()); scaler = 0.0; mult = 1.0 / (sdevLength[area][age - minage] * sdevMult); for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) { dnorm = (LgrpDiv->meanLength(l) - meanLength[area][age - minage]) * mult; initialPop[area][age][l].N = exp(-(dnorm * dnorm) * 0.5); scaler += initialPop[area][age][l].N; } if (isZero(scaler)) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial population - calculated zero population for stock", this->getName()); for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) initialPop[area][age][l].setToZero(); } else { scaler = 10000.0 / scaler; for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) { initialPop[area][age][l].N *= scaler; initialPop[area][age][l].W = alpha[area][age - minage] * pow(LgrpDiv->meanLength(l), beta[area][age - minage]); if ((handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGWARN) && (isZero(initialPop[area][age][l].W)) && (initialPop[area][age][l].N > 0.0)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - zero mean weight for stock", this->getName()); } } } } } } else if (readoption == 2) { for (area = 0; area < areas.Size(); area++) { minage = initialPop[area].minAge(); maxage = initialPop[area].maxAge(); for (age = minage; age <= maxage; age++) { for (l = initialPop[area].minLength(age); l < initialPop[area].maxLength(age); l++) { initialPop[area][age][l].N = (*initialNumber[area])[age - minage][l]; if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGWARN) { if (initialPop[area][age][l].N < 0.0) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - negative initial population for stock", this->getName()); if ((isZero(initialPop[area][age][l].W)) && (initialPop[area][age][l].N > 0.0)) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - zero mean weight for stock", this->getName()); } } } } } else handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - unrecognised data format"); mult = 1.0; for (area = 0; area < areas.Size(); area++) { Alkeys[area].setToZero(); //check minimum and maximum ages if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGWARN) { if (initialPop[area].minAge() < Alkeys[area].minAge()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - minimum age less than stock age for stock", this->getName()); if (initialPop[area].maxAge() > Alkeys[area].maxAge()) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - maximum age greater than stock age for stock", this->getName()); } minage = max(Alkeys[area].minAge(), initialPop[area].minAge()); maxage = min(Alkeys[area].maxAge(), initialPop[area].maxAge()); if (maxage < minage) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error in initial conditions - maximum age less than minimum age for stock", this->getName()); for (age = minage; age <= maxage; age++) { if ((readoption == 0) || (readoption == 1)) mult = areaFactor[area][age - minage] * ageFactor[area][age - minage]; if (mult < 0.0) { handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning in initial conditions - negative stock multiplier", mult); mult = -mult; } Alkeys[area][age].Add(initialPop[area][age], *CI, mult); } } if (handle.getLogLevel() >= LOGMESSAGE) handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, "Calculated initial condition data for stock", this->getName()); }