/* Nonlinear Optimization using the algorithm of Hooke and Jeeves */ /* 12 February 1994 author: Mark G. Johnson */ // /* Find a point X where the nonlinear function f(X) has a local */ /* minimum. X is an n-vector and f(X) is a scalar. In mathe- */ /* matical notation f: R^n -> R^1. The objective function f() */ /* is not required to be continuous. Nor does f() need to be */ /* differentiable. The program does not use or require */ /* derivatives of f(). */ // /* The software user supplies three things: a subroutine that */ /* computes f(X), an initial "starting guess" of the minimum point */ /* X, and values for the algorithm convergence parameters. Then */ /* the program searches for a local minimum, beginning from the */ /* starting guess, using the Direct Search algorithm of Hooke and */ /* Jeeves. */ // /* This C program is adapted from the Algol pseudocode found in */ /* "Algorithm 178: Direct Search" by Arthur F. Kaupe Jr., Commun- */ /* ications of the ACM, Vol 6. p.313 (June 1963). It includes the */ /* improvements suggested by Bell and Pike (CACM v.9, p. 684, Sept */ /* 1966) and those of Tomlin and Smith, "Remark on Algorithm 178" */ /* (CACM v.12). The original paper, which I don't recommend as */ /* highly as the one by A. Kaupe, is: R. Hooke and T. A. Jeeves, */ /* "Direct Search Solution of Numerical and Statistical Problems", */ /* Journal of the ACM, Vol. 8, April 1961, pp. 212-229. */ // /* Calling sequence: */ /* int hooke(nvars, startpt, endpt, rho, epsilon, itermax) */ /* */ /* nvars {an integer} */ /* This is the number of dimensions in the domain of f(). */ /* It is the number of coordinates of the starting point */ /* (and the minimum point.) */ /* startpt {an array of doubles} */ /* This is the user-supplied guess at the minimum. */ /* endpt {an array of doubles} */ /* This is the calculated location of the local minimum */ /* rho {a double} */ /* This is a user-supplied convergence parameter (more */ /* detail below), which should be set to a value between */ /* 0.0 and 1.0. Larger values of rho give greater */ /* probability of convergence on highly nonlinear */ /* functions, at a cost of more function evaluations. */ /* Smaller values of rho reduces the number of evaluations */ /* (and the program running time), but increases the risk */ /* of nonconvergence. See below. */ /* epsilon {a double} */ /* This is the criterion for halting the search for a */ /* minimum. When the algorithm begins to make less and */ /* less progress on each iteration, it checks the halting */ /* criterion: if the stepsize is below epsilon, terminate */ /* the iteration and return the current best estimate of */ /* the minimum. Larger values of epsilon (such as 1.0e-4) */ /* give quicker running time, but a less accurate estimate */ /* of the minimum. Smaller values of epsilon (such as */ /* 1.0e-7) give longer running time, but a more accurate */ /* estimate of the minimum. */ /* itermax {an integer} A second, rarely used, halting */ /* criterion. If the algorithm uses >= itermax */ /* iterations, halt. */ // /* The user-supplied objective function f(x,n) should return a C */ /* "double". Its arguments are x -- an array of doubles, and */ /* n -- an integer. x is the point at which f(x) should be */ /* evaluated, and n is the number of coordinates of x. That is, */ /* n is the number of coefficients being fitted. */ // /* rho, the algorithm convergence control */ // /* The algorithm works by taking "steps" from one estimate of */ /* a minimum, to another (hopefully better) estimate. Taking */ /* big steps gets to the minimum more quickly, at the risk of */ /* "stepping right over" an excellent point. The stepsize is */ /* controlled by a user supplied parameter called rho. At each */ /* iteration, the stepsize is multiplied by rho (0 < rho < 1), */ /* so the stepsize is successively reduced. */ /* Small values of rho correspond to big stepsize changes, */ /* which make the algorithm run more quickly. However, there */ /* is a chance (especially with highly nonlinear functions) */ /* that these big changes will accidentally overlook a */ /* promising search vector, leading to nonconvergence. */ /* Large values of rho correspond to small stepsize changes, */ /* which force the algorithm to carefully examine nearby points */ /* instead of optimistically forging ahead. This improves the */ /* probability of convergence. */ /* The stepsize is reduced until it is equal to (or smaller */ /* than) epsilon. So the number of iterations performed by */ /* Hooke-Jeeves is determined by rho and epsilon: */ /* rho**(number_of_iterations) = epsilon */ /* In general it is a good idea to set rho to an aggressively */ /* small value like 0.5 (hoping for fast convergence). Then, */ /* if the user suspects that the reported minimum is incorrect */ /* (or perhaps not accurate enough), the program can be run */ /* again with a larger value of rho such as 0.85, using the */ /* result of the first minimization as the starting guess to */ /* begin the second minimization. */ // /* Normal use: */ /* (1) Code your function f() in the C language */ /* (2) Install your starting guess {or read it in} */ /* (3) Run the program */ /* (4) {for the skeptical}: Use the computed minimum */ /* as the starting point for another run */ // /* Data Fitting: */ /* Code your function f() to be the sum of the squares of the */ /* errors (differences) between the computed values and the */ /* measured values. Then minimize f() using Hooke-Jeeves. */ /* EXAMPLE: you have 20 datapoints (ti, yi) and you want to */ /* find A,B,C such that (A*t*t) + (B*exp(t)) + (C*tan(t)) */ /* fits the data as closely as possible. Then f() is just */ /* f(x) = SUM (measured_y[i] - ((A*t[i]*t[i]) + (B*exp(t[i])) */ /* + (C*tan(t[i]))))^2 */ /* where x[] is a 3-vector consisting of {A, B, C}. */ // /* The author of this software is M.G. Johnson. */ /* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software */ /* for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that */ /* this entire notice is included in all copies of any software */ /* which is or includes a copy or modification of this software */ /* and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such */ /* software. THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT */ /* ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE */ /* AUTHOR NOR AT&T MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY */ /* KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS */ /* FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ // /* JMB this has been modified to work with the gadget object structure */ /* This means that the function has been replaced by a call to ecosystem */ /* object, and we can use the vector objects that have been defined */ #include "gadget.h" //All the required standard header files are in here #include "optinfo.h" #include "mathfunc.h" #include "doublevector.h" #include "intvector.h" #include "errorhandler.h" #include "ecosystem.h" #include "global.h" #ifndef NO_OPENMP #include "omp.h" #endif extern Ecosystem* EcoSystem; #ifndef NO_OPENMP extern Ecosystem** EcoSystems; #endif /* given a point, look for a better one nearby, one coord at a time */ double OptInfoHooke::bestNearby(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param) { double minf, ftmp; int i; DoubleVector z(point); minf = prevbest; for (i = 0; i < point.Size(); i++) { z[param[i]] = point[param[i]] + delta[param[i]]; ftmp = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(z); if (ftmp < minf) { minf = ftmp; } else { delta[param[i]] = 0.0 - delta[param[i]]; z[param[i]] = point[param[i]] + delta[param[i]]; ftmp = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(z); if (ftmp < minf) minf = ftmp; else z[param[i]] = point[param[i]]; } } for (i = 0; i < point.Size(); i++) point[i] = z[i]; return minf; } /* given a point, look for a better one nearby, one coord at a time */ #ifndef NO_OPENMP /* * function bestBeraby parallelized with OpenMP * · 2 threads per coord to parallelize the calculation of +delta/-delta * · parallelize the calculation of the best nearby of the coord */ double OptInfoHooke::bestNearbyRepro(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param) { double minf;//, ftmp; int i, j, k; DoubleVector z(point); struct Storage { DoubleVector z; DoubleVector delta; double ftmp; int iters; }; minf = prevbest; i = 0; int paral_tokens, numThr, nvars = point.Size(); numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( ); Storage* storage = new Storage[numThr]; if ((numThr % 2) == 0) paral_tokens = numThr / 2; else { return -1; } omp_set_dynamic(0); omp_set_nested(1); //permit the nested parallelization while ( i < nvars) { if ((i + paral_tokens -1) >= nvars) paral_tokens = nvars - i; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(paral_tokens) private(k) //parallelize the parameters (numThr/2) for (j = 0; j < paral_tokens; ++j) { storage[j].z = z; storage[j].delta = delta; DoubleVector v1(z); DoubleVector v2(z); k = param[i+j]; v1[k] += delta[k]; v2[k] -= delta[k]; #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2) //parrallelize the +/- delta simulation for each parameter { #pragma omp section { storage[j].ftmp = EcoSystems[j]->SimulateAndUpdate(v1); } #pragma omp section { storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp = EcoSystems[j+paral_tokens]->SimulateAndUpdate(v2); } } if (storage[j].ftmp < minf) { storage[j].iters = 1; storage[j].z[k] = v1[k]; } else { storage[j].iters = 2; storage[j].delta[k] = 0.0 - delta[k]; if (storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp < minf) { storage[j].ftmp = storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp; storage[j].z[k] = v2[k]; } } } for (j = 0; j < paral_tokens; ++j) { i++; iters += storage[j].iters; if (storage[j].ftmp < minf) { minf = storage[j].ftmp; z = storage[j].z; delta = storage[j].delta; break; } } } delete[] storage; for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) point[i] = z[i]; return minf; } #endif void OptInfoHooke::OptimiseLikelihood() { double oldf, newf, bestf, steplength, tmp; int i, offset; int rchange, rcheck, rnumber; //Used to randomise the order of the parameters handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStarting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); int nvars = EcoSystem->numOptVariables(); DoubleVector x(nvars); DoubleVector trialx(nvars); DoubleVector bestx(nvars); DoubleVector lowerb(nvars); DoubleVector upperb(nvars); DoubleVector init(nvars); DoubleVector initialstep(nvars, rho); DoubleVector delta(nvars); IntVector param(nvars, 0); IntVector lbound(nvars, 0); IntVector rbounds(nvars, 0); IntVector trapped(nvars, 0); EcoSystem->scaleVariables(); #ifndef NO_OPENMP int numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( ); for (i = 0; i < numThr; i++) // scale the variables for the ecosystem of every thread EcoSystems[i]->scaleVariables(); #endif EcoSystem->getOptScaledValues(x); EcoSystem->getOptLowerBounds(lowerb); EcoSystem->getOptUpperBounds(upperb); EcoSystem->getOptInitialValues(init); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { // Scaling the bounds, because the parameters are scaled lowerb[i] = lowerb[i] / init[i]; upperb[i] = upperb[i] / init[i]; if (lowerb[i] > upperb[i]) { tmp = lowerb[i]; lowerb[i] = upperb[i]; upperb[i] = tmp; } bestx[i] = x[i]; trialx[i] = x[i]; param[i] = i; delta[i] = ((2 * (rand() % 2)) - 1) * rho; //JMB - randomise the sign } bestf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); if (bestf != bestf) { //check for NaN handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error starting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation with f(x) = infinity"); converge = -1; iters = 1; return; } offset = EcoSystem->getFuncEval(); //number of function evaluations done before loop newf = bestf; oldf = bestf; steplength = lambda; if (isZero(steplength)) steplength = rho; iters = 0; while (1) { if (isZero(bestf)) { #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error in Hooke & Jeeves optimisation after", iters, "function evaluations, f(x) = 0"); converge = -1; return; } /* randomize the order of the parameters once in a while */ rchange = 0; while (rchange < nvars) { rnumber = rand() % nvars; rcheck = 1; for (i = 0; i < rchange; i++) if (param[i] == rnumber) rcheck = 0; if (rcheck) { param[rchange] = rnumber; rchange++; } } /* find best new point, one coord at a time */ for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) trialx[i] = x[i]; #ifndef NO_OPENMP newf = this->bestNearbyRepro(delta, trialx, bestf, param); if (newf == -1) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n"); return; } #else newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param); #endif /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */ #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif if (iters > hookeiter) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run"); score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i]; EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx); return; } /* if we made some improvements, pursue that direction */ while (newf < bestf) { for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { /* if it has been trapped but f has now gotten better (bndcheck) */ /* we assume that we are out of the trap, reset the counters */ /* and go back to the stepsize we had when we got trapped */ if ((trapped[i]) && (newf < oldf * bndcheck)) { trapped[i] = 0; lbound[i] = 0; rbounds[i] = 0; delta[i] = initialstep[i]; } else if (trialx[i] < (lowerb[i] + verysmall)) { lbound[i]++; trialx[i] = lowerb[i]; if (!trapped[i]) { initialstep[i] = delta[i]; trapped[i] = 1; } /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */ if (lbound[i] >= 2) delta[i] /= rho; } else if (trialx[i] > (upperb[i] - verysmall)) { rbounds[i]++; trialx[i] = upperb[i]; if (!trapped[i]) { initialstep[i] = delta[i]; trapped[i] = 1; } /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */ if (rbounds[i] >= 2) delta[i] /= rho; } } for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { /* firstly, arrange the sign of delta[] */ if (trialx[i] < x[i]) delta[i] = 0.0 - fabs(delta[i]); else delta[i] = fabs(delta[i]); /* now, move further in this direction */ tmp = x[i]; x[i] = trialx[i]; trialx[i] = trialx[i] + trialx[i] - tmp; } /* only move forward if this is really an improvement */ oldf = newf; newf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); #ifndef NO_OPENMP iters++; #endif if ((isEqual(newf, oldf)) || (newf > oldf)) { newf = oldf; //JMB no improvement, so reset the value of newf break; } /* OK, it's better, so update variables and look around */ bestf = newf; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) x[i] = trialx[i]; #ifndef NO_OPENMP newf = this->bestNearbyRepro(delta, trialx, bestf, param); if (newf == -1) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n"); return; } #else newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param); #endif if (isEqual(newf, bestf)) break; /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */ #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif if (iters > hookeiter) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run"); score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i]; EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx); return; } } #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif if (newf < bestf) { for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) bestx[i] = x[i] * init[i]; bestf = newf; handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nNew optimum found after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The likelihood score is", bestf, "at the point"); EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx); EcoSystem->writeBestValues(); } else handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Checking convergence criteria after", iters, "function evaluations ..."); /* if the step length is less than hookeeps, terminate the algorithm */ if (steplength < hookeeps) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because an optimum was found for this run"); converge = 1; score = bestf; handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score); EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx); return; } steplength *= rho; handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Reducing the steplength to", steplength); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) delta[i] *= rho; } } /* Functions to perform the parallelization of the algorithm of HJ with OpenMP*/ #ifdef SPECULATIVE double OptInfoHooke::bestNearbySpec(DoubleVector& delta, DoubleVector& point, double prevbest, IntVector& param) { double minf; int i, j, k, ii; DoubleVector z(point); int bestId = 0; struct Storage { DoubleVector z; DoubleVector delta; double ftmp; int iters; }; minf = prevbest; int paral_tokens, numThr, nvars = point.Size(); numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( ); Storage* storage = new Storage[numThr]; if ((numThr % 2) == 0) paral_tokens = numThr / 2; else { return -1; } omp_set_dynamic(0); omp_set_nested(1); //permit the nested parallelization for (ii=0; ii< paral_tokens; ii++) { i = 0; while ( i < nvars) { if ((i + paral_tokens -1) >= nvars) paral_tokens = nvars - i; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(paral_tokens) private(k) for (j = 0; j < paral_tokens; ++j) { storage[j].z = z; storage[j].delta = delta; DoubleVector v1(z); DoubleVector v2(z); k = param[i+j]; v1[k] += delta[k]; v2[k] -= delta[k]; #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2) { #pragma omp section { storage[j].ftmp = EcoSystems[j]->SimulateAndUpdate(v1); } #pragma omp section { storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp = EcoSystems[j+paral_tokens]->SimulateAndUpdate(v2); } } if (storage[j].ftmp < minf) { storage[j].iters = 1; storage[j].z[k] = v1[k]; } else { storage[j].iters = 2; storage[j].delta[k] = 0.0 - delta[k]; if (storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp < minf) { storage[j].ftmp = storage[j+paral_tokens].ftmp; storage[j].z[k] = v2[k]; } else iters += 2; } } bestId = 0; for (j = 1; j < paral_tokens; ++j) { if (storage[j].ftmp < storage[bestId].ftmp) bestId = j; } if (storage[bestId].ftmp < minf) { iters += storage[bestId].iters; minf = storage[bestId].ftmp; z = storage[bestId].z; delta = storage[bestId].delta; } i += paral_tokens; } } delete[] storage; for (i = 0; i < nvars; ++i) point[i] = z[i]; return minf; } void OptInfoHooke::OptimiseLikelihoodOMP() { double oldf, newf, bestf, steplength, tmp; int i, offset; int rchange, rcheck, rnumber; //Used to randomise the order of the parameters handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStarting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); int nvars = EcoSystem->numOptVariables(); DoubleVector x(nvars); DoubleVector trialx(nvars); DoubleVector bestx(nvars); DoubleVector lowerb(nvars); DoubleVector upperb(nvars); DoubleVector init(nvars); DoubleVector initialstep(nvars, rho); DoubleVector delta(nvars); IntVector param(nvars, 0); IntVector lbound(nvars, 0); IntVector rbounds(nvars, 0); IntVector trapped(nvars, 0); EcoSystem->scaleVariables(); int numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( ); for (i = 0; i < numThr; i++) // scale the variables for the ecosystem of every thread EcoSystems[i]->scaleVariables(); EcoSystem->getOptScaledValues(x); EcoSystem->getOptLowerBounds(lowerb); EcoSystem->getOptUpperBounds(upperb); EcoSystem->getOptInitialValues(init); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { // Scaling the bounds, because the parameters are scaled lowerb[i] = lowerb[i] / init[i]; upperb[i] = upperb[i] / init[i]; if (lowerb[i] > upperb[i]) { tmp = lowerb[i]; lowerb[i] = upperb[i]; upperb[i] = tmp; } bestx[i] = x[i]; trialx[i] = x[i]; param[i] = i; delta[i] = ((2 * (rand() % 2)) - 1) * rho; //JMB - randomise the sign } bestf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); if (bestf != bestf) { //check for NaN handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error starting Hooke & Jeeves optimisation with f(x) = infinity"); converge = -1; iters = 1; return; } offset = EcoSystem->getFuncEval(); //number of function evaluations done before loop newf = bestf; oldf = bestf; steplength = lambda; if (isZero(steplength)) steplength = rho; iters = 0; while (1) { if (isZero(bestf)) { #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Error in Hooke & Jeeves optimisation after", iters, "function evaluations, f(x) = 0"); converge = -1; return; } /* randomize the order of the parameters once in a while */ rchange = 0; while (rchange < nvars) { rnumber = rand() % nvars; rcheck = 1; for (i = 0; i < rchange; i++) if (param[i] == rnumber) rcheck = 0; if (rcheck) { param[rchange] = rnumber; rchange++; } } /* find best new point, one coord at a time */ for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) trialx[i] = x[i]; #ifndef NO_OPENMP newf = this->bestNearbySpec(delta, trialx, bestf, param); if (newf == -1) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n"); return; } #else newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param); #endif /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */ #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif if (iters > hookeiter) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run"); score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i]; EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx); return; } /* if we made some improvements, pursue that direction */ while (newf < bestf) { for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { /* if it has been trapped but f has now gotten better (bndcheck) */ /* we assume that we are out of the trap, reset the counters */ /* and go back to the stepsize we had when we got trapped */ if ((trapped[i]) && (newf < oldf * bndcheck)) { trapped[i] = 0; lbound[i] = 0; rbounds[i] = 0; delta[i] = initialstep[i]; } else if (trialx[i] < (lowerb[i] + verysmall)) { lbound[i]++; trialx[i] = lowerb[i]; if (!trapped[i]) { initialstep[i] = delta[i]; trapped[i] = 1; } /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */ if (lbound[i] >= 2) delta[i] /= rho; } else if (trialx[i] > (upperb[i] - verysmall)) { rbounds[i]++; trialx[i] = upperb[i]; if (!trapped[i]) { initialstep[i] = delta[i]; trapped[i] = 1; } /* if it has hit the bounds 2 times then increase the stepsize */ if (rbounds[i] >= 2) delta[i] /= rho; } } for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { /* firstly, arrange the sign of delta[] */ if (trialx[i] < x[i]) delta[i] = 0.0 - fabs(delta[i]); else delta[i] = fabs(delta[i]); /* now, move further in this direction */ tmp = x[i]; x[i] = trialx[i]; trialx[i] = trialx[i] + trialx[i] - tmp; } /* only move forward if this is really an improvement */ oldf = newf; newf = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); #ifndef NO_OPENMP iters++; #endif if ((isEqual(newf, oldf)) || (newf > oldf)) { newf = oldf; //JMB no improvement, so reset the value of newf break; } /* OK, it's better, so update variables and look around */ bestf = newf; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) x[i] = trialx[i]; #ifndef NO_OPENMP newf = this->bestNearbySpec(delta, trialx, bestf, param); if (newf == -1) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nThe number of threads must be a multiple of 2\n"); return; } #else newf = this->bestNearby(delta, trialx, bestf, param); #endif if (isEqual(newf, bestf)) break; /* if too many function evaluations occur, terminate the algorithm */ #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif if (iters > hookeiter) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because the maximum number of function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "was reached and NOT because an optimum was found for this run"); score = EcoSystem->SimulateAndUpdate(trialx); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) bestx[i] = trialx[i] * init[i]; EcoSystem->storeVariables(score, bestx); return; } } #ifdef NO_OPENMP iters = EcoSystem->getFuncEval() - offset; #endif if (newf < bestf) { for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) bestx[i] = x[i] * init[i]; bestf = newf; handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nNew optimum found after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The likelihood score is", bestf, "at the point"); EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx); EcoSystem->writeBestValues(); } else handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Checking convergence criteria after", iters, "function evaluations ..."); /* if the step length is less than hookeeps, terminate the algorithm */ if (steplength < hookeeps) { handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nStopping Hooke & Jeeves optimisation algorithm\n"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped after", iters, "function evaluations"); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The steplength was reduced to", steplength); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "The optimisation stopped because an optimum was found for this run"); converge = 1; score = bestf; handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "\nHooke & Jeeves finished with a likelihood score of", score); EcoSystem->storeVariables(bestf, bestx); return; } steplength *= rho; handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Reducing the steplength to", steplength); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) delta[i] *= rho; } } #endif