#ifndef growthcalc_h #define growthcalc_h #include "areatime.h" #include "conversionindex.h" #include "formulamatrixptrvector.h" #include "commentstream.h" #include "popinfovector.h" #include "livesonareas.h" #include "modelvariablevector.h" #include "keeper.h" #include "matrix.h" /** * \class GrowthCalcBase * \brief This is the base class used to calculate the growth of a stock within the model * \note This will always be overridden by the derived classes that actually calculate the growth */ class GrowthCalcBase : protected LivesOnAreas { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcBase constructor * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on */ GrowthCalcBase(const IntVector& Areas); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcBase destructor */ ~GrowthCalcBase() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the Matrix of doubles of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the Matrix of doubles of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock * \param size is the number of columns of the Matrix * \note This will be overridden by the derived classes that actually calculate the growth */ virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size) = 0; /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return 0 (will be overridden in derived classes) */ virtual double getPower() { return 0.0; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return 0 (will be overridden in derived classes) */ virtual double getMult() { return 0.0; }; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcA * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using the MULTSPEC growth function */ class GrowthCalcA : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcA constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model */ GrowthCalcA(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcA destructor */ ~GrowthCalcA() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using the MULTSPEC function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 9) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcB * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth when reading the growth directly from a file */ class GrowthCalcB : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcB constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param lenindex is the CharPtrVector of the lengths used for the growth of the stock */ GrowthCalcB(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper, const AreaClass* const Area, const CharPtrVector& lenindex); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcB destructor */ ~GrowthCalcB(); /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth read from file * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); protected: /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrixPtrVector of increase in length for each length group */ FormulaMatrixPtrVector lgrowth; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrixPtrVector of increase in weight for each length group */ FormulaMatrixPtrVector wgrowth; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcC * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a weight-based Von Bertalanffy growth function */ class GrowthCalcC : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcC constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param refWeightFile is the name of the file containing the reference weight information for the stock */ GrowthCalcC(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, Keeper* const keeper, const char* refWeightFile); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcC destructor */ ~GrowthCalcC() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a weight-based Von Bertalanffy function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return lgrowthPar[7] */ virtual double getPower() { return lgrowthPar[7]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return lgrowthPar[6] */ virtual double getMult() { return lgrowthPar[6]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of weight growth parameters (set to 6) */ int numWeightGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the number of length growth parameters (set to 9) */ int numLengthGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of weight growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector wgrowthPar; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of length growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector lgrowthPar; /** * \brief This is the DoubleVector of the reference weight values */ DoubleVector refWeight; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcD * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using the Jones growth function */ class GrowthCalcD : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcD constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param refWeightFile is the name of the file containing the reference weight information for the stock */ GrowthCalcD(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, Keeper* const keeper, const char* refWeightFile); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcD destructor */ ~GrowthCalcD() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using the Jones growth function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is PopInfoVector of the the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return lgrowthPar[7] */ virtual double getPower() { return lgrowthPar[7]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return lgrowthPar[6] */ virtual double getMult() { return lgrowthPar[6]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of weight growth parameters (set to 6) */ int numWeightGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the number of length growth parameters (set to 9) */ int numLengthGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of weight growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector wgrowthPar; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of length growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector lgrowthPar; /** * \brief This is the DoubleVector of the reference weight values */ DoubleVector refWeight; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcE * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using an extended form of the Von Bertalanffy function */ class GrowthCalcE : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcE constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param refWeightFile is the name of the file containing the reference weight information for the stock */ GrowthCalcE(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, Keeper* const keeper, const char* refWeightFile); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcE destructor */ ~GrowthCalcE() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using an extended Von Bertalanffy growth function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return lgrowthPar[7] */ virtual double getPower() { return lgrowthPar[7]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return lgrowthPar[6] */ virtual double getMult() { return lgrowthPar[6]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of weight growth parameters (set to 6) */ int numWeightGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the number of length growth parameters (set to 9) */ int numLengthGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of weight growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector wgrowthPar; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of length growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector lgrowthPar; /** * \brief This is the DoubleVector of the reference weight values */ DoubleVector refWeight; /** * \brief This is the FormulaVector of parameters for the year effect */ FormulaVector yearEffect; /** * \brief This is the FormulaVector of parameters for the step effect */ FormulaVector stepEffect; /** * \brief This is the FormulaVector of parameters for the area effect */ FormulaVector areaEffect; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcF * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a length based Von Bertalanffy growth function */ class GrowthCalcF : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcF constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param lenindex is the CharPtrVector of the lengths used for the growth of the stock */ GrowthCalcF(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper, const AreaClass* const Area, const CharPtrVector& lenindex); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcF destructor */ ~GrowthCalcF(); /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a length based Von Bertalanffy growth function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 2) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrixPtrVector of increase in weight for each length group */ FormulaMatrixPtrVector wgrowth; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcG * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a power growth function */ class GrowthCalcG : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcG constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param lenindex is the CharPtrVector of the lengths used for the growth of the stock */ GrowthCalcG(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper, const AreaClass* const Area, const CharPtrVector& lenindex); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcG destructor */ ~GrowthCalcG(); /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a power growth function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is PopInfoVector of the the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 2) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; /** * \brief This is the FormulaMatrixPtrVector of increase in weight for each length group */ FormulaMatrixPtrVector wgrowth; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcH * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a simple length based Von Bertalanffy growth function */ class GrowthCalcH : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcH constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model */ GrowthCalcH(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcH destructor */ ~GrowthCalcH() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a simple length based Von Bertalanffy growth function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[3] */ virtual double getPower() { return growthPar[3]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[2] */ virtual double getMult() { return growthPar[2]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 4) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcI * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a simple Jones growth function */ class GrowthCalcI : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcI constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model */ GrowthCalcI(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcI destructor */ ~GrowthCalcI() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a simple Jones growth function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[4] */ virtual double getPower() { return growthPar[4]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[5] */ virtual double getMult() { return growthPar[5]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 6) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcJ * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a simple length based Von Bertalanffy growth function with a non-zero value for t0 */ class GrowthCalcJ : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcJ constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model */ GrowthCalcJ(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcJ destructor */ ~GrowthCalcJ() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a simple length based Von Bertalanffy growth function with a non-zero value for t0 * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[4] */ virtual double getPower() { return growthPar[4]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[3] */ virtual double getMult() { return growthPar[3]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 5) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; }; /** * \class GrowthCalcK * \brief This is the class used to calculate the growth of a stock using a simple length based Gompertz function */ class GrowthCalcK : public GrowthCalcBase { public: /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcK constructor * \param infile is the CommentStream to read the growth parameters from * \param Areas is the IntVector of areas that the growth calculation can take place on * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param keeper is the Keeper for the current model */ GrowthCalcK(CommentStream& infile, const IntVector& Areas, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, Keeper* const keeper); /** * \brief This is the default GrowthCalcK destructor */ ~GrowthCalcK() {}; /** * \brief This is the function that calculates the growth using a simple length based Gompertz function * \param area is the area that the growth is being calculated on * \param Lgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean length increase for each length group of the stock * \param Wgrowth is the DoubleVector of the mean weight increase for each length group of the stock * \param numGrow is the PopInfoVector of the current population of the stock * \param Area is the AreaClass for the current model * \param TimeInfo is the TimeClass for the current model * \param Fphi is the DoubleVector of the feeding level of the stock * \param MaxCon is the DoubleVector of the maximum consumption of the stock * \param LgrpDiv is the LengthGroupDivision of the stock */ // virtual void calcGrowth(int area, DoubleVector& Lgrowth, DoubleVector& Wgrowth, // const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, // const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, // const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv); virtual void calcGrowth(int area, double* Lgrowth, double* Wgrowth, const PopInfoVector& numGrow, const AreaClass* const Area, const TimeClass* const TimeInfo, const DoubleVector& Fphi, const DoubleVector& MaxCon, const LengthGroupDivision* const LgrpDiv, int size); /** * \brief This will return the power term of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[4] */ virtual double getPower() { return growthPar[4]; }; /** * \brief This will return the multiplier of the length - weight relationship * \return growthPar[3] */ virtual double getMult() { return growthPar[3]; }; protected: /** * \brief This is the number of growth parameters (set to 5) */ int numGrowthConstants; /** * \brief This is the ModelVariableVector of growth parameters */ ModelVariableVector growthPar; }; #endif