#include "ecosystem.h" #include "maininfo.h" #include "runid.h" #include "gadget.h" #include "errorhandler.h" #include "stochasticdata.h" #include "interrupthandler.h" #include "global.h" #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif Ecosystem* EcoSystem; StochasticData* data = 0; Ecosystem** EcoSystems; MainInfo _main; volatile int interrupted = 0; volatile int interrupted_print = 0; int main(int aNumber, char* const aVector[]) { // omp_set_num_threads(4); int check = 0; //Initialise random number generator with system time [MNAA 02.02.26] srand((int)time(NULL)); //Test to see if the function double lgamma(double) is returning an integer. //lgamma is a non-ansi function and on some platforms when compiled with the //-ansi flag lgamma returns an integer value. [MNAA&AJ 05.2001] assert(lgamma(1.2) != floor(lgamma(1.2))); char* workingdir = getenv("GADGET_WORKING_DIR"); if (workingdir == 0) { if ((workingdir = (char*)malloc(LongString)) == NULL) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to malloc space for current working directory"); check = 1; if (getcwd(workingdir, LongString) == NULL) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to get current working directory"); } if (chdir(workingdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change working directory to", workingdir); char* inputdir = getenv("GADGET_DATA_DIR"); if (inputdir == 0) inputdir = workingdir; if (chdir(inputdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change input directory to", inputdir); if (chdir(workingdir) != 0) //JMB change back to where we were ... handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change working directory to", workingdir); _main.read(aNumber, aVector); _main.checkUsage(inputdir, workingdir); if (chdir(inputdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change input directory to", inputdir); EcoSystem = new Ecosystem(_main); #ifdef INTERRUPT_HANDLER //JMB dont register interrupt if doing a network run if (!(_main.runNetwork())) registerInterrupts(&interrupted); #endif if (chdir(workingdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change working directory to", workingdir); if ((_main.getPI()).getPrint()) EcoSystem->writeInitialInformation((_main.getPI()).getOutputFile()); if (_main.runStochastic()) { if (_main.runNetwork()) { #ifdef GADGET_NETWORK //to help compiling when pvm libraries are unavailable EcoSystem->Initialise(); data = new StochasticData(); while (data->getDataFromNetwork()) { EcoSystem->Update(data); EcoSystem->Simulate(_main.runPrint()); data->sendDataToNetwork(EcoSystem->getLikelihood()); data->readNextLineFromNetwork(); } delete data; #endif } else if (_main.getInitialParamGiven()) { if (chdir(inputdir) != 0) //JMB need to change back to inputdir to read the file handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change input directory to", inputdir); data = new StochasticData(_main.getInitialParamFile()); if (chdir(workingdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change working directory to", workingdir); EcoSystem->Update(data); EcoSystem->checkBounds(); EcoSystem->Initialise(); if (_main.printInitial()) { EcoSystem->Reset(); //JMB only need to call reset() before the print commands EcoSystem->writeStatus(_main.getPrintInitialFile()); } EcoSystem->Simulate(_main.runPrint()); if ((_main.getPI()).getPrint()) EcoSystem->writeValues(); while (data->isDataLeft()) { data->readNextLine(); EcoSystem->Update(data); EcoSystem->checkBounds(); EcoSystem->Simulate(_main.runPrint()); if ((_main.getPI()).getPrint()) EcoSystem->writeValues(); } delete data; } else { if (EcoSystem->numVariables() != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGWARN, "Warning - no parameter input file given, using default values"); EcoSystem->Initialise(); if (_main.printInitial()) { EcoSystem->Reset(); //JMB only need to call reset() before the print commands EcoSystem->writeStatus(_main.getPrintInitialFile()); } EcoSystem->Simulate(_main.runPrint()); if ((_main.getPI()).getPrint()) EcoSystem->writeValues(); } } else if (_main.runOptimise()) { if (EcoSystem->numVariables() == 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - no parameters can be optimised"); if (_main.getInitialParamGiven()) { if (chdir(inputdir) != 0) //JMB need to change back to inputdir to read the file handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change input directory to", inputdir); data = new StochasticData(_main.getInitialParamFile()); if (chdir(workingdir) != 0) handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - failed to change working directory to", workingdir); EcoSystem->Update(data); EcoSystem->checkBounds(); } else handle.logMessage(LOGFAIL, "Error - no parameter input file specified"); EcoSystem->Initialise(); if (_main.printInitial()) { EcoSystem->Reset(); //JMB only need to call reset() before the print commands EcoSystem->writeStatus(_main.getPrintInitialFile()); } #ifdef _OPENMP if (_main.runParallel()){ int numThr = omp_get_max_threads ( ); handle.logMessage(LOGINFO, "Info - initialise ", numThr," EcoSystems "); EcoSystems = new Ecosystem*[numThr]; int i; #pragma omp parallel for shared(EcoSystems,_main,data,handle) for (i=0; iUpdate(data); EcoSystems[i]->checkBounds(); } EcoSystems[i]->Initialise(); } } #endif EcoSystem->Optimise(); delete data; if (_main.getForcePrint()) EcoSystem->Simulate(_main.getForcePrint()); } handle.logMessage(LOGMESSAGE, ""); //write blank line to log file if (_main.printFinal() && !(_main.runNetwork())) EcoSystem->writeStatus(_main.getPrintFinalFile()); //JMB print final values of parameters if (!(_main.runNetwork())) EcoSystem->writeParams((_main.getPI()).getParamOutFile(), (_main.getPI()).getPrecision()); if (check) free(workingdir); delete EcoSystem; handle.logFinish(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }