# # BonFIRE Virtual Clusters on Federated Clouds Demonstration Kit # # Copyright (c) Fundacion Centro Tecnologico de Supercomputacion de Galicia 2012 # # License Apache Software # # The research leading to these results has received funding from # the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) # under agreement number 257386 # # This software is provided with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY # ''' Created on 20/03/2012 @author: R. Valin ''' #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from multiprocessing import Process import json import os import sys import time #from exp.ea #import experiment_type as expt #from exp.ea import ea_bonfire as ea #import pp def sub(e_cont): # print 'PATH to JSON:' # #filej=raw_input() # filej="/home/cesga/bonfire/examples/cluster_fr.json" # print filej # if os.path.exists(filej): # jsonf=open(filej, 'r') # expt=json.loads(jsonf.read()) # print expt # jsonf.close() # else: # print "File doesn't exist" #duration = 120 multi = 1 #for i in exp: # print i # m=str(i) j=0 while j < multi: #save(locations) #location=info_location[m] #instance=info_instance[m] #store=info_storage[m] print 'Repetition before ea:', j, os.getpid() j=ea.ea_bf(e_cont,j) j=j+1 #time.sleep(float(130)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: sys.stderr.write('Two JSON files are needed') #sys.stderr.write('Usage: sys.argv[0] ') sys.exit(1) filej=["../examples/"+sys.argv[1], "../examples/"+sys.argv[2]] for i in filej: print 'File:', i if not os.path.exists(i): sys.stderr.write('ERROR: file '+i+ 'does not exist!') sys.exit(1) expt=[] for i in filej: if os.path.exists(i): jsonf=open(i, 'r') expt.append(json.loads(jsonf.read())) print "Reading:", i print expt jsonf.close() else: print "File doesn't exist" p1 = Process(target=sub, args=(expt[0],)) p2 = Process(target=sub, args=(expt[1],)) p1.start() time.sleep(2) p2.start()