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By: Juan A. Garzon
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antenas de radio [ reply ]  
2016-11-03 10:01
Hola a todos!

Os adjunto el primer mensaje que nos escribio Frank Schröder, del KIT, en Karlsruhe, acerca de las antenas que nos propone instalar en Santiago.

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: Re: Antenna array in Santiago around RPC muon detector
Fecha: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 22:37:44 +0200
De: Schroeder, Frank (IKP) <>
Para: Jaime Alvarez-Muniz <>
CC: Hans <>, Enrique Zas <>

Dear Jaime,

thank you for the information on your discussion.

Yes, we have several spare antennas which are stored for potential
future repairs of Tunka-Rex. So I could borrow you 4 SALLA antennas.
Depending on how many spare parts we need at Tunka, you might or might
not have to return them some time in the future. I guess that you can
have them for at least for 1-2 years and maybe longer.

The antennas could be placed in a square with 20 m distance from the RPC
detector in the center. For sin(alpha) = 1, the threshold should indeed
be around 10^17 eV.

The antennas come with the complete analog signal chain including filter
and main amplifier. We cannot provide any digital electronics for
data-acquisition. So you would have to provide:
- DAQ including 2 ADC channels per antenna: sampling rate > 180 MHz,
trace length at least 1 µs and at least 1024 samples (the longer the
- 12 V DC power supply (in a central place where you collect the signals
from all antennas).
- Poles to mount the antennas.
- Potentially some RFI shielding against disturbances from the RPC

Manpower will indeed be a problem since my main work with Tunka-Rex and
AERA occupies most of my time. This means that I will be able to come
for a few days to Santiago assisting in the antenna deployment, but I
will not have time for data analysis. Based on my experience with the
SALLAs at Tunka-Rex I can help with advise, but the main manpower would
have to come from you.

So better we postpone the idea until some manpower is available in
Santiago, i.e., at least a master student.

Do you come to the November meeting in Marlargüe?
Then we can discuss it in more detail there. We also plan to install 3
SALLAs during the meting at the AERA site, so you could get a better

Best regards,


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